Displaying items by tag: uab medicine
A meeting for advice on a business matter turned into “a moment of divine intervention,” leading one Birmingham man to become a living donor.
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Divyank Saini is one of 17 employees who interpret lab samples to determine whether living- and deceased-donor transplants are possible. Now he is a donor in the world’s longest kidney transplant chain.
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Mississippi man transplanted at UAB is among the first HIV-positive to HIV-positive transplant recipient in the United States since implementation of the HOPE Act.
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The Donate Life Parade Float honors donors, recipients and others who have been touched by organ, eye and tissue donation.
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A ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm is the 15th leading cause of death in the country, and the 10th leading cause of death in men older than 55.
Stefan Kertesz, M.D., says a better understanding of what caused and what sustains the opioid epidemic is needed among policymakers and physicians to best serve patients and address the crisis.
Cooper will join Joseph Tector as co-director of UAB’s Xenotransplantation Program with their research geared toward using genetically modified pigs to facilitate kidney transplants in humans.
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Finding your way around UAB Hospital and clinics will get easier with the addition of a new GPS-based, indoor wayfinding mobile app set to debut next summer.
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An Alabama woman asked her primary care physician one question that may have saved her life — is it time for me to have a mammogram?
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A fight with breast cancer has brought Odenville Elementary teachers Meg Lowry and Michelle Simmons closer as they learn the disease is “not your grandmother’s story anymore.”
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UAB Hospital has received a 2016 Women’s Choice Award and is named one of America’s Best Breast Centers.
Almost 100 people have signed up for the annual Komen Race for the Cure in honor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation’s Yvonne Akins, a mentor and friend to many at UAB for 42 years.
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Combining two high-powered imaging techniques into a single scanner allows UAB to acquire and study PET and MRI data simultaneously, enabling new opportunities for diagnostic imaging of cancer, the brain and heart.
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- release
- division of molecular imaging and therapeutics
- department of biomedical engineering
- school of medicine
- uab medicine
- department of radiology
- division of cardiovascular disease
- vision science research center
- department of mathematics
- division of advanced medical imaging
- oneal comprehensive cancer center
Becker’s Hospital Review ranks the UAB Comprehensive Cancer Center as one of 100 Hospitals and Health Systems with great oncology programs in America.
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UAB Hospital was honored with a Gift of Life award for educational efforts provided to patients, families and the community and for donor family recognition by the AOC.
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Adam Beck, M.D., has been named director of surgery in the Division of Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Therapy at UAB.
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A significant new UAB study published in Cancer shows that key socioeconomic factors, not race, affect survival of younger multiple myeloma patients.
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