Thomas removed all branding from advertisement photography aimed at African American audiences for more than four decades to create the series.
Learn how your business can benefit from SBIR/ STTR funding and how to collaborate with UAB programs and partners.
The O’Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center at UAB will join with faith leaders in African-American communities to educate about the harmful effects of tobacco use through No Menthol Sunday.
UAB and Highlands Hospitals are among only 7 hospitals in the state, and the only ones in Birmingham, to earn an A grade for patient safety.
Amy Williamson, who earned her Master of Arts degree in art history, is the newly appointed visual arts program manager and gallery manager for the Alabama State Council on the Arts.
UAB’s driving force for translational research has been renewed for another five years.
SMART Scholarship grants UAB student the opportunity to continue mathematical modeling research.
The latest information on plans to improve Cooper Green Mercy Health Services is now available on a website.
The cruise was one of the first-ever using a manned submersible to document sea floor communities in Antarctica.
Vinay Narasimha Krishna, M.D., received one of 15 KidneyX Redesign Dialysis prizes from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the American Society of Nephrology.
UAB’s Jim Bonner takes the reins of a forum for academic radiation oncology leaders.
UAB students continue Honors College legacy with recognition as Goldwater Scholars.
UAB’s William Curry has been named to an advisory board of the state chapter of the American College of Physicians.
Researchers are spearheading efforts to understand the development of treatment-related health conditions in the context of accelerated aging.
The School of Education will host students from 19 high schools the week of May 13 as part of a program to increase the number of low-income students who are prepared to enter and succeed in college.
Just over two years since becoming the first continuing medical education podcast in Alabama, the 100 episodes of UAB MedCast have reached thousands.
Attendees will leave with a plan developed to best address personal financial health and goals.
UAB’s Huntsville Regional Medical Campus expands psychiatric care for children, adolescents and adults in North Alabama.
Seven UAB students have been named recipients of the William Jefferson Clinton Scholarship.
One in four smokers has unmedicated anxiety/depressive symptoms.