Nowakowski, second from left, received the Aubrey D. Green Humanitarian award alongside his wife, Dr. Debi Nowakowski, at the Lions of Alabama annual convention on May 17, 2014.Rod W. Nowakowski, O.D., Ph.D., former dean of the School of Optometry at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, was awarded the Aubrey D. Green Humanitarian Award by the Lions of Alabama during its annual Multiple District Convention.
This award is presented to a non-member citizen or native of Alabama who has made a significant contribution to society beyond the obligations of occupation or profession. Such contributions may include, but are not limited to, the promotion of human welfare, the alleviation of human suffering and the advancement of social reforms. The recipient is selected by the committee from nominees submitted within the past five years.
“Aubrey D. Green, the namesake for the award, was a decorated WWII combat veteran, an Alabama State Senator and a business entrepreneur who also served as International Lions Club president,” Nowakowski said. “He set a very high standard for service and the prior recipients of this award are icons of service and achievement. I am truly honored and humbled to be counted among them.”