Research - News
Scientists from around the world will gather at UAB in December to focus on HIV research and women, particularly collaborative research on women living with HIV and those at risk.
A Western-style diet, with more omega-6 fatty acids than the Mediterranean, dysregulates lipid signaling in aged mice and promotes inflammation.
The power and promise of personalized medicine: a genetic test can reduce cardiovascular risk for some heart patients
Alabama Interagency Autism Coordinating Council has established regional networks throughout Alabama to centralize resources for those with autism spectrum disorder, and for their families.
A mechanism through which circadian clocks in neurons encode external daily rhythms of excitability allows pacesetter neurons to communicate with the rest of the body via electrical impulses, with possible implications in understanding and treating mood disorders.
Antibody VRC01 proves safe for individuals infected with HIV-1 but only modestly controls the virus in participants who stop receiving antiretroviral therapy.
UAB and Auburn will team up for a study of magnetic resonance imaging techniques that could enhance epilepsy surgery.
Priming the body to respond to immunotherapy with a new class of drugs: epigenetic modifiers.
This study of cockroach-induced asthma and Enterobacter mirrors previous studies with fungus- and house dust mite-induced asthma, where neonatal vaccination with bacteria suppressed adult asthma.
Those living in more advantaged neighborhoods are less likely to have a stroke than are their counterparts who live in less advantaged neighborhoods, according to a UAB study.
UAB researchers will use pressures greater than those found at the center of the Earth to create as yet unknown new materials.

UAB is the first hospital in Alabama and one of the first in the nation to use sophisticated Resuscitation Quality Improvement system simulators to improve CPR skills in emergency department staff.

UAB investigators have won a prestigious White House BRAIN Initiative grant to study the potential benefits of new technology coupled with newly discovered biomarkers in deep brain stimulation for Parkinson’s disease.

Parents’ driving distracted is a significant danger, and a UAB study suggests suburban and rural parents use cellphones with children in the car. 

Moon Nahm’s research has led to improvements in testing effectiveness of pneumonia vaccines, a key step to preventing deaths from S. pneumoniae, the leading cause of pneumonia estimated to kill 1.6 million children annually
Learning how sensory organs in the skin work may solve sensory disorders, including pain seen in inflammation, diabetes and cancer treatment.
"Studies indicate the vast majority of suicide attempt survivors end up eventually dying of something other than suicide, so a means of preventing someone from making future gun purchases during a suicidal crisis might reduce suicide rates.”

UAB and partners launch the PREVeNT study, aimed at preventing the onset of seizures in children with tuberous sclerosis.

Patients using Botox A for urinary incontinence show higher satisfaction with treatment due to greater reduction in bothersome symptoms.
UAB and UMass researchers have uncovered a new mechanistic understanding of potential treatment for genetic disorders.
The evidence found suggests the earliest ancestors of modern sea turtles may have come from the Deep South.
Combining two high-powered imaging techniques into a single scanner allows UAB to acquire and study PET and MRI data simultaneously, enabling new opportunities for diagnostic imaging of cancer, the brain and heart.
A UAB study examines teen sleep patterns and exposure to media in an effort to see if there is a link to teen obesity.
Older adults can develop cardiovascular risk factors later in life, according to a study from UAB.
The change of practice in C-section delivery improves the health of mom and baby.
The $565,000 award will help grow the existing Southern hub to include additional institutions and provide more funding.
Researchers have developed a mechanism that emits sound to thwart eavesdroppers from detecting passwords entered with computer keyboards.
The University of Alabama at Birmingham will help investigate the influence of environmental exposures on children’s health from conception through early childhood.
The collaboration among UAB, University of Wisconsin and Duke University will use bioengineered stem cells and bioengineered tissue to treat heart failure after heart attacks.
Changes in the classroom and on the state and federal levels are needed to help early childhood educators best serve children from diverse family structures.
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