Research - News

Recycled materials may become armor against flying debris.

UAB researchers looking at differences in pain for people with knee osteoarthritis.

Expectant mothers in Kenya avoid skilled care for fear of HIV label.

The School of Education program will work with teachers at a local, high-need school.

Researchers at UAB were part of a team that revealed genetic differences that influence a person's level of sex hormones.

New UAB research says increases in a woman’s temperature linked to length of labor, body weight.

Informatics researchers create an experimental framework for online, clinic-ready apps and ask others to expand it

What you have for breakfast might help, or hurt, your body’s efforts to burn fat later in the day, say UAB researchers hoping to learn more.

A business professor will lead a session at an international organizational studies conference.

Thacker to help build visual guide that connects all species — from tiniest bacteria to tallest tree.

Pediatric cancer researcher's work on treating neuroblastoma honored.

Patients with neurofibromatosis, schwannomatosis, which are related genetic conditions, gain access to more clinical trials.

UAB researchers say a new blood test looking at 12 biomarkers for RA should help physicians better manage the disease.

School of Nursing professor will use a grant to help HIV patients struggling with depression.

Nursing associate dean's project aims to improve quality of life for young breast cancer survivors.

The center will be housed in the School of Optometry.

Nanda lauded for his pioneering contributions to the field of cardiovascular medicine.

Three-year, $15 million Healthcare Innovation Challenge Grant will create 50 jobs while producing almost $50 million in health care savings.

Identifying microbes on the skin, up the nose and in the gut of healthy people may help scientists understand several major diseases.

UAB researchers selected as behavioral social science volunteers for SESRCD

NSA, Homeland Security designate UAB a National Center of Academic Excellence in Information Assurance Research

UAB researchers and EMS providers are working to improve cardiac survival rates in Alabama. While still low, the rate has doubled since the effort began.

UAB's center is one of 17 funded by NIOSH to train safety and health practitioners.

The University of Alabama Health Services Foundation General Endowment Fund awarded grants to aid research across UAB.

Worm infection holds clues for future asthma, lupus treatments.

Whether his audience is a military general or college students, Assistant Professor John Grimes makes every effort to defend our country.

UAB researchers say the MARCKS protein may be a biomarker for brain tumors and hold potential for targeted therapy.
Long-term, national study reveals less-invasive screening decreases new cases and death.

inDegree, who is developing an alumni tracking service for schools and students, beats 5 others to win $100k at Alabama Launchpad.

UAB ophthalmologists are studying the role of a lipoprotein in macular degeneration.

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