Explore UAB

Supporting Students

To support students from afar during unprecedented times, Student Counseling Services would like to introduce a new podcast called “Let’s Talk About It with SCS and Friends.” 

Tune in to YouTube every Tuesday at 4:30pm for a new episode! 

Herbert Wilkerson, counselor for SCS, shared that “the goal of the podcast is to connect the UAB community through collaboration by having conversations with faculty, staff and students.” He hopes that the conversations will “address the importance of mental health and well being for each guest.” He is also excited for members of the UAB community to be seen outside of their roles on campus.

So far, they have interviewed students about their adjustment to distance learning and staff members about services provided through SCS and the URec. They look forward to connecting with a student from the graduate school as well as a career services staff member. Herbert hopes that the podcast will “become adventurous so we can connect with people in their spaces, doing fun activities.”

Ready to have a listen? You can find it on the playlist here.