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Anuradha Goswami

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Dr. Anuradha Goswami is a postdoctoral fellow under Dr. J. Jeffrey Morris in the Department of Biology at The University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB). Dr. Goswami's research interest lies in data-driven innovative solutions to assess emerging micropollutants and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) at environmental dimensions and develop a state-of-the-art water treatment method. She holds a Ph.D. in Water and Environmental Engineering from Glasgow Caledonian University (GCU), Glasgow, UK, where she modified Fenton Oxidation by using micro-sized Iron powder (Fe (0)) catalyzing the oxidation process to remove emerging organic contaminants from water. In her postdoctoral research, Dr. Goswami is working on microbial genomics to study the loss of gene function: Black Queen Hypothesis. She has also developed independent research focused on the environmental dimensions of AMR. Her research focuses on environmental justice that has potential direct relevance for North Birmingham, Alabama residents. Dr. Goswami received ‘Career Enhancement Award’ to support her research and ‘The Most Community Minded postdoc award 2022’ from the Office of Postdoctoral Education, UAB, for her efforts to understand the occurrence of AMR at Superfund and landfill sites of North Birmingham, AL.

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Jeffrey Morris

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