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Professor This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
University Hall 5022
(205) 934-8570

Research and Teaching Interests: English Renaissance poetry and prose, Milton, History of the Book, literature and law

Office Hours: By appointment


  • B.A., Davidson College
  • M.A., University of Pennsylvania
  • Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, English Renaissance Literature

Originally a Birmingham native, Chapman was delighted to return home to join the UAB English Department in 2000, and she served as department chair from 2015-2024. She has published widely on sixteenth- and seventeenth-century English literature, with a particular focus on the works and life of John Milton. Her most recent two books explore the way that law, justice, and questions of jurisdiction shape Milton’s writings. She has also published creative non-fiction works and has been distinguished twice in Best American Essays.

Chapman teaches courses at all levels, and particularly enjoys helping students perfect their skills as writers. More recently she has branched out into teaching courses in the history of the book, which introduce students to the material cultures of book production through the centuries, and she has twice been a participant in UVA’s Rare Book School. Chapman has a lifetime experience with canoeing and kayaking, and when not in Birmingham, can often been found paddling in some wilderness setting.

  • Recent Courses
    • History of the Book
    • Milton
    • Freshman Composition
    • Reading, Writing, and Research for the English Major
  • Select Publications


    Recent Articles

    • “Katherine Jones, Viscountess Ranelagh: A Woman of Science,” commissioned article entry for the Routledge Encyclopedia of the Renaissance World, forthcoming 2024.
    • “'To All Baptized': The Watery Dissent of Paradise Regained,” Milton Studies 65 (2023): 275-98.
    • “Roman Law and Equity in John Milton’s Divorce Tracts,” Critical Analysis of Law 5:2 (2019): 27-43.
    • “The Lay Reader’s Guide to Milton v. Cope: Trust, Debt, and Loss in Chancery.” Milton Quarterly 52 (2018): 113-127.
    • “Defending Milton’s Pro Se Defensio: A Legal Reading.” Milton Quarterly 51 (2017): 75-96.
    • “Milton and Legal Reform,” Renaissance Quarterly 69 (2016): 529-65.
  • Academic Distinctions and Professional Societies
    • Editorial Board, Milton Quarterly
    • Odessa Woolfolk Community Service Award, 2016
    • National Association of Academic Advisors, Outstanding Faculty Advisor Award, 2014
    • UAB Outstanding Faculty Advisor Award, 2014
    • UAB President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2010
  • Student Groups

    Faculty Advisor, Sigma Tau Delta, the international English honors society.