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How to format existing test and quiz documents for easy import using Respondus 4.0 to Canvas.

It is easy to import the tests and quizzes you have used before into Canvas. You will need to install the Respondus 4.0 software and use the Respondus 4.0 software to import your existing test/quiz files into Canvas. The existing files may need a small amount of reformatting to import into Canvas using Respondus 4.0. This document will show you how to format your documents for Respondus 4.0 import.

Note for users of screen readers: letters in parentheses in the instructions below refer to corresponding areas on example images. If you have any questions about these instructions, contact eLearning for assistance.

On this page:

Import works with Word documents (docx), older Microsoft Word documents (doc, pre-Office 2007, and plain text documents. The formatting of the questions needs to be in a format that Respondus 4.0 can understand for multiple choice, true/false, short answer, matching, fill-in-the-blank, and multiple response questions. The Respondus Standard format has Required and Optional elements that are described below. Images can be imported as well. Images pasted into a word document will import smoothly and easily. Once the import file is formatted to the specifications below in Microsoft Word, it should be saved as a .docx file, which is the MS Word default. The document is then ready to be imported by Respondus.

Each Question must begin with a question number, followed by either a period . or a parenthesis ) and a space.

Example: 3)

Example: 3.

The Question wording must follow the Question Number. (Note: at least one space should be between the question number and the question wording.)

Example: 3) Who determined the exact speed of light?

Example: 3. Who determined the exact speed of light?

Each Answer must begin with a letter (A-Z) followed by a period . or a parenthesis ) or a space, then the Answer Wording.

Example: 3) Who determined the exact speed of light?

  • Albert Einstein
  • Albert Michelson
  • Thomas Edison
  • Guglielmo Marconi

A Title can be imported with each question. If a title is not provided for a question, the first 20 characters of the question’s wording will be used as the question title. Titles must be placed at the beginning of a question and begin with Title: followed by the actual text for the title. If the title exceeds 20 characters, the remaining characters will be dropped during the import.

Example: Title: Speed of Light

3) Who determined the exact speed of light?

  • Albert Einstein
  • Albert Michelson
  • Thomas Edison
  • Guglielmo Marconi

Correct Answers are indicated by placing an asterisk * directly in front of the Answer Choice. There should not be a space between the asterisk and the Answer Choice.

Example: Title: Speed of Light

3) Who determined the exact speed of light?

  • a. Albert Einstein
  • *b. Albert Michelson
  • c. Thomas Edison
  • d. Guglielmo Marconi
Note: Respondus will automatically select the first choice as the Answer Choice if no answer is marked. You will be warned if a question does not have an Answer Choice for it prior to completing the import.

Feedback can be imported by placing the tilde ~ symbol in front of the feedback for a correct answer. The @ symbol can be used to indicate the feedback for incorrect answers. There must be at least one space to the right of the ~ and @ symbols and the text you want displayed for the feedback. The feedback must appear before the Answer Choice.

Example: Title: Speed of Light

3) Who determined the exact speed of light?

~ Yes. Albert Michelson won the Nobel Prize for Physics for determining the exact speed of light.
@ No. The correct answer is Albert Michelson, who won the 1907 Nobel Prize for Physics for determining the exact speed of light.

  • a. Albert Einstein
  • *b. Albert Michelson
  • c. Thomas Edison
  • d. Guglielmo Marconi

To import feedback for individual answer choices of multiple-choice questions, place the feedback immediately after the Answer Choice and begin the line with the @ symbol. There must be at least one space between the @ symbol and the feedback text. Feedback is not required.

Example: Title: Speed of Light

3) Who determined the exact speed of light?

  • a. Albert Einstein
    @ No. Albert Michelson determined the exact speed of light.
  • *b. Albert Michelson
    @ Yes. Albert Michelson won the Nobel Prize for Physics for determining the exact speed of light.
  • c. Thomas Edison
    @ No, Thomas Edison did not determine the exact speed of light.
  • d. Guglielmo Marconi
    No. Marconi did not discover the exact speed of light, but he did win the Nobel Prize for Physics for his work with radio waves.

Point Values can be set for each question or for a group of questions. Points Values are set by adding “Points:”, a space, then the numeric point value. The point value is used for the next question and all following questions until a new point value is set. In the example, question 3 and 4 will have the same point value.

Example: Points: 2.5

3. Who determined the exact speed of light?

4. Who determined the exact speed of sound?

To format True or False Questions for import, each question must begin with a question number, followed by either a period . or a parenthesis ) and a space. The correct answer must be marked with an asterisk *. Respondus requires that True and False be in the order shown below to be read properly.

Example: 3) Albert Michelson determined the exact speed of light?

*a) True
b) False

Example: 3) Albert Michelson determined the exact speed of light?

*a) T
b) F

A Title can be imported with each question. If a title is not provided for a question, the first 20 characters of the question’s wording will be used as the question title. Titles must be placed at the beginning of a question and begin with Title: followed by the actual text for the title. If the title exceeds 20 characters, the remaining characters will be dropped during the import.

Example: Title: Light speed

Albert Michelson determined the exact speed of light.

*a) True
b) False

To include Feedback for True or False questions, put an @ sign on the line below the Answer Choice the feedback is designed for. Place a space between the @ and the feedback for the student.

Example: Title: Light speed

Albert Michelson determined the exact speed of light.

*a) True
@ Yes. Albert Michelson won the Nobel Prize for Physics for determining the exact speed of light.

b) False
@ The correct answer is True. Albert Michelson determined the exact speed of light and won the 1907 Nobel Prize for Physics.

Each Essay question must begin with a question number, followed by either a period . or a parenthesis ) and a space. The first line of the section with essay questions must begin with “Type: E”. This may be followed by Title: on the next line (no title is required, the first 20 characters of question will be the title if none is supplied), the Question Number, a space, and the Question Wording.

Example: Type: E

Title: Michelson-Morely experiment

  • How is the Michelson-Morely experiment related to Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity?

To provide an Answer Choice, on the next line after the question begin the answer with a. or a) and a space, followed by the suggested answer wording.

Example: Type: E

Title: Michelson-Morely experiment

  • How is the Michelson-Morely experiment related to Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity?
  • In 1887, Albert Michelson and Edward Morely carried out experiments to detect the change in speed of light due to ether wind when the Earth moved around the sun. The result was negative. They found the speed of light is always the same regardless of Earth's motion around the sun. Scientists were puzzled with this negative result, and they didn't know how to explain it. Albert Einstein came up with the answer in his famous second postulate in theory of relativity: that the speed of light (in vacuum) is always constant and absolute, regardless of its source's motion and observer's movement.
Note: Canvas Quizzes will allow you to use SpeedGrader so students supplying the exact essay you provide will not be an issue.


Note: Respondus 4.0 can only import matching pairs. This limitation may make it easier to recreate the Matching part of a Quiz in Canvas Quizzes.

Each Answer Choice (which consists of both parts of a correct match) must begin with a letter (a-z) followed by a period . or a parenthesis ) and a space. The two parts of the Matching Question must be separated with an = symbol. There should not be any blank lines within either part of the answer. Spaces before or after the = symbol are optional, but it is important that an Answer Choice only uses the = symbol for the purpose of separating the two parts of the match.

Example: Type: MT

Title: Scientific discoveries

4) Match the correct name to the discovery or theory.

  • Michelson-Morely = Speed of light
  • Einstein = Theory of Relativity
  • Marconi = Radio waves

Each Fill in the Blank question must begin with a Question Number, followed by either a period . or a parenthesis ) and a space. The first line of the section with Fill in the Blank questions must begin with Type: F on its own line. This is followed by the Title: (no title is required, the first 20 characters of question will be the title if none is supplied), the Question Number, a space, and the Question Wording.

Example: Type: F

Title: Who invented television?

5. Who is known as the "father of television”?

The Answer Choice should be supplied on the line below the Question Wording indicated by a. then a space before the Answer Choice. You can place multiple versions of the same answer by using the next letter in the alphabet. In the example, multiple versions of an inventor’s name would be counted as the correct answer.

Example: Type: F

Title: Who invented television?

5. Who is known as the "father of television”?

  • Zworykin
  • Vladimir Zworykin
  • Vladimir Kosma Zworykin

Each Multiple Response Question must begin with a Question Number, followed by either a period . or a parenthesis ) and a space. The first line of the section with Multiple Response Question questions must begin with Type: MR or Type: MA as shown below. This is followed by the title (no title is required, the first 20 characters of question will be the title if none is supplied), the question number, a space, and the question wording.

Example: Type: MR

3) Which of the following individuals are credited with determining the exact speed of light?

  1. Albert Einstein
  2. Albert Michelson
  3. Edward Williams Morley
  4. Thomas Edison

Each set of possible answers must begin with a letter (a-z) followed by a period . or a parenthesis ) and a space. The correct responses should have an asterisk * in directly front of the letter without a space between the asterisk and the letter.

Example: Type: MR

3) Which of the following individuals are credited with determining the exact speed of light?

  1. Albert Einstein
  2. *Albert Michelson
  3. *Edward Williams Morley
  4. Thomas Edison

To include a Title or Feedback with the Multiple Response Questions, put an @ sign on the line below the Answer Choice the feedback is designed for. Place a space between the @ and the feedback for the student.

Example: Type: MR

Title: Determining Speed of Light

3) Which of the following individuals are credited with determining the exact speed of light?

  1. Albert Einstein
    @ No. Albert Michelson and Edward Williams Morley collaborated on a series of experiments that eventually led to the exact determination of the speed of light.
  2. *Albert Michelson
    @ Yes. Albert Michelson is one of the two persons credited with determining the exact speed of light.
  3. *Edward Williams Morley
    @ Yes. Edward Williams Morley is one of the two persons credited with determining the exact speed of light.
Note: This example illustrates how to include both “General Feedback” and answer-specific feedback. In most cases, you would include only one type of feedback.


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