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Welcome to the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) State Authorization website.

SREB - State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements logo.Information about State Authorization

The States and Territories Listing below provides information on each state regarding status of state authorization, programs available (with any current restrictions), and complaint information. The Division of eLearning and Professional Studies at UAB (eLearning) is working with all campus departments to allow students from all states to enroll in our online programs. Progress is ongoing and will be updated regularly on this website.

National Council for State Authoriztion Reciprocity Agreements Approved Institution.

UAB Complaint Process

UAB strives to ensure that all students, whether face-to-face, hybrid, or online/distance accessible, have access to information regarding the university's complaint process. To view this process, visit the Complaint Process page.

UAB State Authorization Contact

UAB Office of Learning Technologies

Phone: (205) 934-7217

Email: uabstateauth@uab.edu

UAB is a SARA Institution

Alabama is a member of NC-SARA (National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements) and UAB is an approved SARA institution. For students, the SARA initiative seeks to provide greater access to academic programs, lead to better resolution of student complaints, increase the quality of distance education, and increase opportunities for student clinicals, practicums, and internships outside of Alabama. View the States and Territories Listing to see how UAB is authorized in your state.

States and Territories Listing

Invalid Input

Complaint Information:

Alabama Commission on Higher Education


Phone: (334) 242-1998

Fax: Fax: (334) 242-2269

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: All programs available

Complaint Information:

Alaska Commission on Postsecondary Education


Email: ACPE@alaska.gov

Phone: (907) 465-6741

Authorization: N/A

Program Availability: N/A

Complaint Information:

State Department of Education


Phone: (684) 633-5237

Fax: (684) 633-4240

Address: Department of Education (Utulei)
Pago Pago, AS 96799

State Higher Education Agency:

American Samoa Community College


Phone: (684) 699-9155

Fax: (684) 699-6259

Address: P.O. Box 2609
Pago Pago, AS 96799

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: All programs available

Complaint Information:

Arizona State Board for Private Postsecondary Education


Phone: (602) 258-2435

Fax: Fax:( 602) 258-2483

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: All programs available

Complaint Information:

Arkansas Department of Higher Education


Phone: (501) 371-2000

Authorization: Not a member of NC-SARA

Program Availability: Most programs available. The School of Nursing is currently accepting students from California into the Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing (PhD); Post MSN to DNP Pathway for Nurse Executives; Post-MSN to DNP Pathway; Post-BSN to DNP Pathway for Nurse Anesthesia (must be in an approved state during the first semester); Accelerated Masters in Nursing Pathway (AMNP); Prelicensure BSN Pathway; RN to BSN Pathway; and RN to BSN Joint Pathway AND is currently NOT accepting students from California into the Post-BSN to DNP Pathway for Nurse Practitioners; MSN Nurse Practitioner Pathway; MSN Nursing Health Systems Leadership Pathway; Post-MSN Subspecialty Options; and Post-Graduate APRN Certificate.

Complaint Information:

California Department of Consumer Affairs
Consumer Information Center


Address: 1625 North Market Blvd., Suite N-112
Sacramento, California 95834

Phone: (833) 942-1120

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: Most programs available. The School of Nursing cannot accept students from Colorado at this time.

Complaint Information:

Colorado Department of Higher Education


Phone: (303) 862-3001

Fax: (303) 996-1329

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: All programs available

Complaint Information:

Connecticut Office of Higher Education


Phone: (860) 947-1800

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: Most programs available. The School of Nursing is currently not accepting students from Delaware.

Complaint Information:

Delaware Department of Education, Higher Education


Email: dheo@doe.k12.de.us

Phone: (302) 735-4120

Fax: (302) 739-5894

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: All programs available

Complaint Information:

Washington D.C. – State Board of Education


Phone: (202) 727-3636

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: All programs available

Complaint Information:

Florida Department of Education


Email: brady.lyon@fldoe.org or sonia.browning@fldoe.org

Phone: (850) 245-0505

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: All programs available

Complaint Information:

Georgia Nonpublic Postsecondary Education Commission


Phone: (770) 414-3300

Fax: (770) 414-3309

Authorization: N/A

Program Availability: N/A

Complaint Information:

Guam Department of Education


Address: Department of Education, Government of Guam
Federal Programs Division
500 Mariner Avenue
Barrigada, Guam 96931

State Higher Education Agency:

University of Guam


Phone: (671) 735-2201/08/14

Address: UOG Station
Mangilao, Guam 96923

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: All programs available

Complaint Information:

Hawaii Post-Secondary Education Authorization Program (HPEAP)


Email: hpeap@dcca.hawaii.gov

Phone: (808) 586-7327

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: Most programs available. The School of Nursing is currently accepting students from Idaho into the Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing (PhD); Post-BSN to DNP Pathway for Nurse Anesthesia (must be in an approved state during the first semester); Accelerated Masters in Nursing Pathway (AMNP); Prelicensure BSN Pathway; RN to BSN Pathway; and RN to BSN Joint Pathway AND is currently NOT accepting students from Idaho into the Post-BSN to DNP Pathway for Nurse Practitioners; MSN Nurse Practitioner Pathway; MSN Nursing Health Systems Leadership Pathway; Post-MSN Subspecialty Options; Post-MSN to DNP Pathway; Post-MSN to DNP Pathway for Nurse Executives; and Post-Graduate APRN Certificate.

Complaint Information:

Idaho State Board of Education


Phone: (208) 332-1587

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: All programs available

Complaint Information:

Illinois Board of Higher Education


Phone: (217) 782-2551

Fax: (217) 782-8548

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: All programs available

Complaint Information:

Indiana Commission for Higher Education


Phone: (800) 457-8283

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: Most programs available. The School of Nursing is currently accepting students from Iowa into the Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing (PhD); Post-BSN to DNP Pathway for Nurse Anesthesia (must be in an approved state during the first semester); Accelerated Masters in Nursing Pathway (AMNP); Prelicensure BSN Pathway; RN to BSN Pathway; and RN to BSN Joint Pathway AND is currently NOT accepting students from Iowa into the Post-BSN to DNP Pathway for Nurse Practitioners; MSN Nurse Practitioner Pathway; MSN Nursing Health Systems Leadership Pathway; Post-MSN Subspecialty Options; Post-MSN to DNP Pathway; Post-MSN to DNP Pathway for Nurse Executives; and Post-Graduate APRN Certificate.

Complaint Information:

Iowa College Aid


Phone: (515) 725-3400

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: All programs available

Complaint Information:

The Kansas Board of Regents


Phone: (785) 430-4240

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: Most programs available. The School of Education cannot accept students at this time.

Complaint Information:

Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education


Phone: (502) 573-1555

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: All programs available

Complaint Information:

Louisiana Board of Regents


Phone: (225) 326-6465 or (800) 351-4889

Fax: (225) 326-6499

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: All programs available

Complaint Information:

Maine Department of Education


Email: michael.t.perry@maine.gov

Phone: (207) 624-6600

Fax: (207) 624-6700

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: All programs available

Complaint Information:

Maryland Higher Education Commission


Phone: (410) 767-3300

Toll-free: (800) 974-0203

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: Most programs available. The School of Nursing is currently not accepting students from Massachusetts.

Complaint Information:

Massachusetts Board of Higher Education


Phone: (617) 994-6950

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: All programs available

Complaint Information:

Michigan Department of Education


Phone: (517) 241-7000

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: Most programs available. The School of Nursing is currently not accepting students from Minnesota.

Complaint Information:

Minnesota Office of Higher Education


Phone: (601) 432-6198

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: All programs available

Complaint Information:

Mississippi Commission on College Accreditation


Phone: (601) 432-6198

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: Most programs available. The School of Nursing is currently accepting students from Missouri into the Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing (PhD); Post-BSN to DNP Pathway for Nurse Anesthesia (must be in an approved state during the first semester); Accelerated Masters in Nursing Pathway (AMNP); Prelicensure BSN Pathway; RN to BSN Pathway; and RN to BSN Joint Pathway AND is currently NOT accepting students from Missouri into the Post-BSN to DNP Pathway for Nurse Practitioners; MSN Nurse Practitioner Pathway; MSN Nursing Health Systems Leadership Pathway; Post-MSN Subspecialty Options; Post-MSN to DNP Pathway; Post-MSN to DNP Pathway for Nurse Executives; and Post-Graduate APRN Certificate.

Complaint Information:

Missouri Department of Higher Education

Phone: (573) 751-3321

Fax: (573) 751-0774

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: All programs available

Complaint Information:

Montana University System, Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education


Phone: (406) 449-9124

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: All programs available

Complaint Information:

Nebraska’s Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education


Phone: (402) 471-2847

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: Most programs available. The School of Nursing is currently accepting students from Nevada into the Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing (PhD); Post-BSN to DNP Pathway for Nurse Anesthesia (must be in an approved state during the first semester); Accelerated Masters in Nursing Pathway (AMNP); Prelicensure BSN Pathway; RN to BSN Pathway; and RN to BSN Joint Pathway AND is currently NOT accepting students from Nevada into the Post-BSN to DNP Pathway for Nurse Practitioners; MSN Nurse Practitioner Pathway; MSN Nursing Health Systems Leadership Pathway; Post-MSN Subspecialty Options; Post-MSN to DNP Pathway; Post-MSN to DNP Pathway for Nurse Executives; and Post-Graduate APRN Certificate.

Complaint Information:

Nevada Commission on Postsecondary Education


Phone: (702) 486-7330

Fax: (702) 486-7340

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: All programs available

Complaint Information:

New Hampshire Division of Educator Support and Higher Education


Phone: (603) 271-0256

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: All programs available

Complaint Information:

New Jersey Office of the Secretary of Higher Education


Phone: (609) 292-4310

Fax: (609) 292-7225

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: Most programs available. The School of Nursing is not accepting students from New Mexico.

Complaint Information:

New Mexico Commission of Higher Education


Phone: (505) 476-8400

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: Most programs available. The School of Nursing is currently not accepting students from New York.

Complaint Information:

New York State Education Department, Office of College and University Evaluation


Phone: (518) 474-3852

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: All programs available

Complaint Information:

North Carolina Post-Secondary Education Complaints


Phone: (919) 716-6000

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: : Most programs available. The School of Nursing is currently accepting students from North Dakota into the Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing (PhD); Post-BSN to DNP Pathway for Nurse Anesthesia (must be in an approved state during the first semester); Accelerated Masters in Nursing Pathway (AMNP); Prelicensure BSN Pathway; RN to BSN Pathway; and RN to BSN Joint Pathway AND is currently NOT accepting students from North Dakota into the Post-BSN to DNP Pathway for Nurse Practitioners; MSN Nurse Practitioner Pathway; MSN Nursing Health Systems Leadership Pathway; Post-MSN Subspecialty Options; Post-MSN to DNP Pathway; Post-MSN to DNP Pathway for Nurse Executives; and Post-Graduate APRN Certificate.

Complaint Information:

North Dakota University System


Phone: (701) 328-2960

Fax: (701) 328-2961

Authorization: N/A

Program Availability: N/A

Complaint Information:

State Department of Education

Phone: (670) 237-3027

Fax: (670) 664-3711

Address: CNMI Public School System
Bwughos Street, Susupe
PO BOX 501370
Saipan, MP 96950

State Higher Education Agency:

Northern Marianas Department of Education

Phone: (670) 237-3027

Fax: (670) 234-1270

Address: CNMI Public School System
Bwughos Street, Susupe
PO BOX 501370
Saipan, MP 96950

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: All programs available

Complaint Information:

Ohio Department of Higher Education


Phone: (614) 466-6000

Fax: (614) 466-5866

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: All programs available

Complaint Information:

Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education


Phone: (405) 225-9100

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: Most programs available. The School of Nursing is currently not accepting students from Oregon.

Complaint Information:

Oregon, Higher Education Coordinating Commission


Phone: (503) 378-5690

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: All programs available

Complaint Information:

Pennsylvania Department of Education – Bureau of Postsecondary and Adult Education


Phone: (717) 783-8228

Fax: (717) 722-3622

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: Most programs available. The School of Nursing is currently accepting students from Puerto Rico into the Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing (PhD); Post-BSN to DNP Pathway for Nurse Anesthesia (must be in an approved state during the first semester); Accelerated Masters in Nursing Pathway (AMNP); Prelicensure BSN Pathway; RN to BSN Pathway; and RN to BSN Joint Pathway AND is currently NOT accepting students from Puerto Rico into the Post-BSN to DNP Pathway for Nurse Practitioners; MSN Nurse Practitioner Pathway; MSN Nursing Health Systems Leadership Pathway; Post-MSN Subspecialty Options; Post-MSN to DNP Pathway; Post-MSN to DNP Pathway for Nurse Executives; and Post-Graduate APRN Certificate.

Complaint Information:

Puerto Rico Council on Education


Phone: (787) 722-2121

Fax: (787) 641-2573

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: All programs available

Complaint Information:

Rhode Island Office of the Postsecondary Commissioner


Phone: (401) 736-1100

Fax: (401) 732-3541

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: All programs available

Complaint Information:

South Carolina Commission on Higher Education, Academic Affairs


Phone: (803) 737-3476

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: Most programs available. The School of Nursing is currently accepting students from South Dakota into the Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing (PhD); Post-BSN to DNP Pathway for Nurse Anesthesia (must be in an approved state during the first semester); Accelerated Masters in Nursing Pathway (AMNP); Prelicensure BSN Pathway; RN to BSN Pathway; and RN to BSN Joint Pathway AND is currently NOT accepting students from South Dakota into the Post-BSN to DNP Pathway for Nurse Practitioners; MSN Nurse Practitioner Pathway; MSN Nursing Health Systems Leadership Pathway; Post-MSN Subspecialty Options; Post-MSN to DNP Pathway; Post-MSN to DNP Pathway for Nurse Executives; and Post-Graduate APRN Certificate.

Complaint Information:

South Dakota Consumer Protection


Phone: (605) 773-4400

Fax: (605) 773-7163

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: All programs available

Complaint Information:

Tennessee Higher Education Commission, Division of Postsecondary State Authorization


Phone: (615) 741-3605

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: All programs available

Complaint Information:

Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board


Phone: (512) 427-6101

Fax: (512) 427-6127

Authorization: N/A

Program Availability: N/A

Complaint Information:

State Department of Education
U.S. Virgin Islands Department of Education

St. Croix:

Phone: (340) 773-1095

Address: 21-33 Hospital St.

St. Thomas:


Fax: (340) 774-0100

Address: 00850 St. Thomas, VI 00802

State Higher Education Agency:

Virgin Islands Department of Education


Phone: (340) 774-2810

Fax: (340) 779-7153

Address: 1834 Kongens Gade
St. Thomas, VI 00802

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: Most programs available. The School of Nursing is currently not accepting students from Utah.

Complaint Information:

Utah System of Higher Education, Office of Commissioner


Phone: (801) 321-7101

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: All programs available

Complaint Information:

Vermont Agency of Education


Phone: (802) 479-1030

Fax: (802) 479-1835

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: All programs available

Complaint Information:

State Council of Higher Education for Virginia


Phone: (804) 225-2600

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: Most programs available. The School of Nursing is currently not accepting students from Washington.

Complaint Information:

Washington Student Achievement Council


Phone: (360) 753-7800

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: Most programs available. The School of Nursing is currently not accepting students from West Virginia.

Complaint Information:

West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission


Phone: (304) 558-0261

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: All programs available

Complaint Information:

Wisconsin Distance Learning Authorization Board


Phone: (608) 262-2321

Fax: (608) 262-3985

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: Most programs available. The School of Nursing is currently accepting students from Wyoming into the Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing (PhD); Post-BSN to DNP Pathway for Nurse Anesthesia (must be in an approved state during the first semester); Accelerated Masters in Nursing Pathway (AMNP); Prelicensure BSN Pathway; RN to BSN Pathway; and RN to BSN Joint Pathway AND is currently NOT accepting students from Wyoming into the Post-BSN to DNP Pathway for Nurse Practitioners; MSN Nurse Practitioner Pathway; MSN Nursing Health Systems Leadership Pathway; Post-MSN Subspecialty Options; Post-MSN to DNP Pathway; Post-MSN to DNP Pathway for Nurse Executives; and Post-Graduate APRN Certificate.

Complaint Information:

Wyoming Department of Education


Phone: (307) 777-7675

Fax: (307) 777-6234

Internationally Located Students Interested In UAB Programs Enrollment If you are an internationally located student, please read this information.

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