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States and Territories Listing

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Complaint Information:

Alabama Commission on Higher Education


Phone: (334) 242-1998

Fax: Fax: (334) 242-2269

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: All programs available

Complaint Information:

Alaska Commission on Postsecondary Education


Email: ACPE@alaska.gov

Phone: (907) 465-6741

Authorization: N/A

Program Availability: N/A

Complaint Information:

State Department of Education


Phone: (684) 633-5237

Fax: (684) 633-4240

Address: Department of Education (Utulei)
Pago Pago, AS 96799

State Higher Education Agency:

American Samoa Community College


Phone: (684) 699-9155

Fax: (684) 699-6259

Address: P.O. Box 2609
Pago Pago, AS 96799

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: All programs available

Complaint Information:

Arizona State Board for Private Postsecondary Education


Phone: (602) 258-2435

Fax: Fax:( 602) 258-2483

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: All programs available

Complaint Information:

Arkansas Department of Higher Education


Phone: (501) 371-2000

Authorization: Not a member of NC-SARA

Program Availability: Most programs available. The School of Nursing is currently accepting students from California into the Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing (PhD); Post MSN to DNP Pathway for Nurse Executives; Post-MSN to DNP Pathway; Post-BSN to DNP Pathway for Nurse Anesthesia (must be in an approved state during the first semester); Accelerated Masters in Nursing Pathway (AMNP); Prelicensure BSN Pathway; RN to BSN Pathway; and RN to BSN Joint Pathway AND is currently NOT accepting students from California into the Post-BSN to DNP Pathway for Nurse Practitioners; MSN Nurse Practitioner Pathway; MSN Nursing Health Systems Leadership Pathway; Post-MSN Subspecialty Options; and Post-Graduate APRN Certificate.

Complaint Information:

California Department of Consumer Affairs
Consumer Information Center


Address: 1625 North Market Blvd., Suite N-112
Sacramento, California 95834

Phone: (833) 942-1120

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: Most programs available. The School of Nursing cannot accept students from Colorado at this time.

Complaint Information:

Colorado Department of Higher Education


Phone: (303) 862-3001

Fax: (303) 996-1329

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: All programs available

Complaint Information:

Connecticut Office of Higher Education


Phone: (860) 947-1800

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: Most programs available. The School of Nursing is currently not accepting students from Delaware.

Complaint Information:

Delaware Department of Education, Higher Education


Email: dheo@doe.k12.de.us

Phone: (302) 735-4120

Fax: (302) 739-5894

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: All programs available

Complaint Information:

Washington D.C. – State Board of Education


Phone: (202) 727-3636

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: All programs available

Complaint Information:

Florida Department of Education


Email: brady.lyon@fldoe.org or sonia.browning@fldoe.org

Phone: (850) 245-0505

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: All programs available

Complaint Information:

Georgia Nonpublic Postsecondary Education Commission


Phone: (770) 414-3300

Fax: (770) 414-3309

Authorization: N/A

Program Availability: N/A

Complaint Information:

Guam Department of Education


Address: Department of Education, Government of Guam
Federal Programs Division
500 Mariner Avenue
Barrigada, Guam 96931

State Higher Education Agency:

University of Guam


Phone: (671) 735-2201/08/14

Address: UOG Station
Mangilao, Guam 96923

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: All programs available

Complaint Information:

Hawaii Post-Secondary Education Authorization Program (HPEAP)


Email: hpeap@dcca.hawaii.gov

Phone: (808) 586-7327

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: Most programs available. The School of Nursing is currently accepting students from Idaho into the Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing (PhD); Post-BSN to DNP Pathway for Nurse Anesthesia (must be in an approved state during the first semester); Accelerated Masters in Nursing Pathway (AMNP); Prelicensure BSN Pathway; RN to BSN Pathway; and RN to BSN Joint Pathway AND is currently NOT accepting students from Idaho into the Post-BSN to DNP Pathway for Nurse Practitioners; MSN Nurse Practitioner Pathway; MSN Nursing Health Systems Leadership Pathway; Post-MSN Subspecialty Options; Post-MSN to DNP Pathway; Post-MSN to DNP Pathway for Nurse Executives; and Post-Graduate APRN Certificate.

Complaint Information:

Idaho State Board of Education


Phone: (208) 332-1587

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: All programs available

Complaint Information:

Illinois Board of Higher Education


Phone: (217) 782-2551

Fax: (217) 782-8548

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: All programs available

Complaint Information:

Indiana Commission for Higher Education


Phone: (800) 457-8283

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: Most programs available. The School of Nursing is currently accepting students from Iowa into the Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing (PhD); Post-BSN to DNP Pathway for Nurse Anesthesia (must be in an approved state during the first semester); Accelerated Masters in Nursing Pathway (AMNP); Prelicensure BSN Pathway; RN to BSN Pathway; and RN to BSN Joint Pathway AND is currently NOT accepting students from Iowa into the Post-BSN to DNP Pathway for Nurse Practitioners; MSN Nurse Practitioner Pathway; MSN Nursing Health Systems Leadership Pathway; Post-MSN Subspecialty Options; Post-MSN to DNP Pathway; Post-MSN to DNP Pathway for Nurse Executives; and Post-Graduate APRN Certificate.

Complaint Information:

Iowa College Aid


Phone: (515) 725-3400

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: All programs available

Complaint Information:

The Kansas Board of Regents


Phone: (785) 430-4240

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: Most programs available. The School of Education cannot accept students at this time.

Complaint Information:

Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education


Phone: (502) 573-1555

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: All programs available

Complaint Information:

Louisiana Board of Regents


Phone: (225) 326-6465 or (800) 351-4889

Fax: (225) 326-6499

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: All programs available

Complaint Information:

Maine Department of Education


Email: michael.t.perry@maine.gov

Phone: (207) 624-6600

Fax: (207) 624-6700

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: All programs available

Complaint Information:

Maryland Higher Education Commission


Phone: (410) 767-3300

Toll-free: (800) 974-0203

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: Most programs available. The School of Nursing is currently not accepting students from Massachusetts.

Complaint Information:

Massachusetts Board of Higher Education


Phone: (617) 994-6950

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: All programs available

Complaint Information:

Michigan Department of Education


Phone: (517) 241-7000

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: Most programs available. The School of Nursing is currently not accepting students from Minnesota.

Complaint Information:

Minnesota Office of Higher Education


Phone: (601) 432-6198

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: All programs available

Complaint Information:

Mississippi Commission on College Accreditation


Phone: (601) 432-6198

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: Most programs available. The School of Nursing is currently accepting students from Missouri into the Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing (PhD); Post-BSN to DNP Pathway for Nurse Anesthesia (must be in an approved state during the first semester); Accelerated Masters in Nursing Pathway (AMNP); Prelicensure BSN Pathway; RN to BSN Pathway; and RN to BSN Joint Pathway AND is currently NOT accepting students from Missouri into the Post-BSN to DNP Pathway for Nurse Practitioners; MSN Nurse Practitioner Pathway; MSN Nursing Health Systems Leadership Pathway; Post-MSN Subspecialty Options; Post-MSN to DNP Pathway; Post-MSN to DNP Pathway for Nurse Executives; and Post-Graduate APRN Certificate.

Complaint Information:

Missouri Department of Higher Education

Phone: (573) 751-3321

Fax: (573) 751-0774

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: All programs available

Complaint Information:

Montana University System, Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education


Phone: (406) 449-9124

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: All programs available

Complaint Information:

Nebraska’s Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education


Phone: (402) 471-2847

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: Most programs available. The School of Nursing is currently accepting students from Nevada into the Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing (PhD); Post-BSN to DNP Pathway for Nurse Anesthesia (must be in an approved state during the first semester); Accelerated Masters in Nursing Pathway (AMNP); Prelicensure BSN Pathway; RN to BSN Pathway; and RN to BSN Joint Pathway AND is currently NOT accepting students from Nevada into the Post-BSN to DNP Pathway for Nurse Practitioners; MSN Nurse Practitioner Pathway; MSN Nursing Health Systems Leadership Pathway; Post-MSN Subspecialty Options; Post-MSN to DNP Pathway; Post-MSN to DNP Pathway for Nurse Executives; and Post-Graduate APRN Certificate.

Complaint Information:

Nevada Commission on Postsecondary Education


Phone: (702) 486-7330

Fax: (702) 486-7340

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: All programs available

Complaint Information:

New Hampshire Division of Educator Support and Higher Education


Phone: (603) 271-0256

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: All programs available

Complaint Information:

New Jersey Office of the Secretary of Higher Education


Phone: (609) 292-4310

Fax: (609) 292-7225

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: Most programs available. The School of Nursing is not accepting students from New Mexico.

Complaint Information:

New Mexico Commission of Higher Education


Phone: (505) 476-8400

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: Most programs available. The School of Nursing is currently not accepting students from New York.

Complaint Information:

New York State Education Department, Office of College and University Evaluation


Phone: (518) 474-3852

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: All programs available

Complaint Information:

North Carolina Post-Secondary Education Complaints


Phone: (919) 716-6000

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: : Most programs available. The School of Nursing is currently accepting students from North Dakota into the Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing (PhD); Post-BSN to DNP Pathway for Nurse Anesthesia (must be in an approved state during the first semester); Accelerated Masters in Nursing Pathway (AMNP); Prelicensure BSN Pathway; RN to BSN Pathway; and RN to BSN Joint Pathway AND is currently NOT accepting students from North Dakota into the Post-BSN to DNP Pathway for Nurse Practitioners; MSN Nurse Practitioner Pathway; MSN Nursing Health Systems Leadership Pathway; Post-MSN Subspecialty Options; Post-MSN to DNP Pathway; Post-MSN to DNP Pathway for Nurse Executives; and Post-Graduate APRN Certificate.

Complaint Information:

North Dakota University System


Phone: (701) 328-2960

Fax: (701) 328-2961

Authorization: N/A

Program Availability: N/A

Complaint Information:

State Department of Education

Phone: (670) 237-3027

Fax: (670) 664-3711

Address: CNMI Public School System
Bwughos Street, Susupe
PO BOX 501370
Saipan, MP 96950

State Higher Education Agency:

Northern Marianas Department of Education

Phone: (670) 237-3027

Fax: (670) 234-1270

Address: CNMI Public School System
Bwughos Street, Susupe
PO BOX 501370
Saipan, MP 96950

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: All programs available

Complaint Information:

Ohio Department of Higher Education


Phone: (614) 466-6000

Fax: (614) 466-5866

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: All programs available

Complaint Information:

Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education


Phone: (405) 225-9100

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: Most programs available. The School of Nursing is currently not accepting students from Oregon.

Complaint Information:

Oregon, Higher Education Coordinating Commission


Phone: (503) 378-5690

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: All programs available

Complaint Information:

Pennsylvania Department of Education – Bureau of Postsecondary and Adult Education


Phone: (717) 783-8228

Fax: (717) 722-3622

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: Most programs available. The School of Nursing is currently accepting students from Puerto Rico into the Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing (PhD); Post-BSN to DNP Pathway for Nurse Anesthesia (must be in an approved state during the first semester); Accelerated Masters in Nursing Pathway (AMNP); Prelicensure BSN Pathway; RN to BSN Pathway; and RN to BSN Joint Pathway AND is currently NOT accepting students from Puerto Rico into the Post-BSN to DNP Pathway for Nurse Practitioners; MSN Nurse Practitioner Pathway; MSN Nursing Health Systems Leadership Pathway; Post-MSN Subspecialty Options; Post-MSN to DNP Pathway; Post-MSN to DNP Pathway for Nurse Executives; and Post-Graduate APRN Certificate.

Complaint Information:

Puerto Rico Council on Education


Phone: (787) 722-2121

Fax: (787) 641-2573

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: All programs available

Complaint Information:

Rhode Island Office of the Postsecondary Commissioner


Phone: (401) 736-1100

Fax: (401) 732-3541

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: All programs available

Complaint Information:

South Carolina Commission on Higher Education, Academic Affairs


Phone: (803) 737-3476

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: Most programs available. The School of Nursing is currently accepting students from South Dakota into the Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing (PhD); Post-BSN to DNP Pathway for Nurse Anesthesia (must be in an approved state during the first semester); Accelerated Masters in Nursing Pathway (AMNP); Prelicensure BSN Pathway; RN to BSN Pathway; and RN to BSN Joint Pathway AND is currently NOT accepting students from South Dakota into the Post-BSN to DNP Pathway for Nurse Practitioners; MSN Nurse Practitioner Pathway; MSN Nursing Health Systems Leadership Pathway; Post-MSN Subspecialty Options; Post-MSN to DNP Pathway; Post-MSN to DNP Pathway for Nurse Executives; and Post-Graduate APRN Certificate.

Complaint Information:

South Dakota Consumer Protection


Phone: (605) 773-4400

Fax: (605) 773-7163

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: All programs available

Complaint Information:

Tennessee Higher Education Commission, Division of Postsecondary State Authorization


Phone: (615) 741-3605

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: All programs available

Complaint Information:

Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board


Phone: (512) 427-6101

Fax: (512) 427-6127

Authorization: N/A

Program Availability: N/A

Complaint Information:

State Department of Education
U.S. Virgin Islands Department of Education

St. Croix:

Phone: (340) 773-1095

Address: 21-33 Hospital St.

St. Thomas:


Fax: (340) 774-0100

Address: 00850 St. Thomas, VI 00802

State Higher Education Agency:

Virgin Islands Department of Education


Phone: (340) 774-2810

Fax: (340) 779-7153

Address: 1834 Kongens Gade
St. Thomas, VI 00802

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: Most programs available. The School of Nursing is currently not accepting students from Utah.

Complaint Information:

Utah System of Higher Education, Office of Commissioner


Phone: (801) 321-7101

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: All programs available

Complaint Information:

Vermont Agency of Education


Phone: (802) 479-1030

Fax: (802) 479-1835

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: All programs available

Complaint Information:

State Council of Higher Education for Virginia


Phone: (804) 225-2600

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: Most programs available. The School of Nursing is currently not accepting students from Washington.

Complaint Information:

Washington Student Achievement Council


Phone: (360) 753-7800

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: Most programs available. The School of Nursing is currently not accepting students from West Virginia.

Complaint Information:

West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission


Phone: (304) 558-0261

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: All programs available

Complaint Information:

Wisconsin Distance Learning Authorization Board


Phone: (608) 262-2321

Fax: (608) 262-3985

Authorization: NC-SARA

Program Availability: Most programs available. The School of Nursing is currently accepting students from Wyoming into the Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing (PhD); Post-BSN to DNP Pathway for Nurse Anesthesia (must be in an approved state during the first semester); Accelerated Masters in Nursing Pathway (AMNP); Prelicensure BSN Pathway; RN to BSN Pathway; and RN to BSN Joint Pathway AND is currently NOT accepting students from Wyoming into the Post-BSN to DNP Pathway for Nurse Practitioners; MSN Nurse Practitioner Pathway; MSN Nursing Health Systems Leadership Pathway; Post-MSN Subspecialty Options; Post-MSN to DNP Pathway; Post-MSN to DNP Pathway for Nurse Executives; and Post-Graduate APRN Certificate.

Complaint Information:

Wyoming Department of Education


Phone: (307) 777-7675

Fax: (307) 777-6234

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