Hear how UAB changes lives on the UAB Green & Told podcast

GT Banner 492x369Being a part of the UAB community can be life-altering, and alumni, faculty, students and others have the opportunity to share their stories through the biweekly podcast produced by the UAB National Alumni Society.

Launched in October, UAB Green & Told shares stories with one common refrain: UAB changed my life. Listen to stories from alumni who’ve taken the culinary world by storm, serve in the U.S. military or prosper in the tech field. A new story is uploaded every other Monday; the most recent released Feb. 3, with a new episode coming Feb. 17. Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes or Spotify or access them on the NAS website.

Like what you hear? The UAB Memories podcast shares the oral history of alumni, faculty, and staff. Listen to that podcast and learn more at uab.edu/50/memories.

According to host Greg Berry, assistant director of communications and governmental relations for the alumni society, the podcast, which has produced 11 stories to date, has room to grow.

“We want to be able to reach our alumni across the country and share stories that are appealing to them. It’s our goal to become a go-to podcast where alumni can listen to stories and potentially share their own about how UAB has impacted them,” Berry said.

Visit the website or email greenandtold@uab.edu to see how you can share your experiences.