Access a complete transcript of your professional training with EdTrack

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online toolkitEdTrack, a new online database, enables employees to keep a record of their courses completed in the UAB Learning System — also known as LMS or HealthStream — and completed coursework from in one place. EdTrack’s records also include pre-LMS coursework from WebCT/Blackboard.

The data, which can be exported to Excel, enables employees to submit a copy of their non-academic transcript during performance reviews. Supervisors also can request an employee’s transcript directly from the Learning System Support Team; email

“I am thrilled that we now have a place where employees can see all of their training in one place and print a copy to give to their supervisors at their performance review,” said Organizational Learning & Development Instructional Designer Fredia Dillard.

Phase II for EdTrack is being developed and, according to Dillard, “it will be even more exciting for both employees and supervisors.”

Phase II will enable employees to submit work-related certificates of completion/achievement from conferences and training sessions outside UAB. Once approved by the employee’s supervisor, certificates will be included on their permanent professional training transcript. The feature is expected to be available in late spring.

UAB employees can log in to their EdTrack account, and former employees can submit a transcript request online at