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The UAB Division of Student Affairs has many exceptional staff members who serve our students with professionalism, kindness and integrity. Each month, based on a pool of nominations, the Professional Development Committee announces two employees of the month, one from the professional staff and the other from the administrative staff.

The January Employees of the Month are Holly Banning, Interim Assistant Director for Residence Life for Housing and Residence Life, and Noelle Cheeks, student housing services coordinator, also of Housing and Residence Life. Their exemplary work ethic and commitment to the mission of the Division of Student Affairs makes them staffers to be revered.

Holly Banning, Interim Assistant Director for Residence Life

Holly Banning, Interim Assistant Director for Residence Life (Professional)

“Genuine, hard-worker, poised, and passionate are just a few words that I would use to describe Holly Banning. Each day, she shows us her true love for what she does for students, fellow colleagues, and residence life through her many conversations and interactions. Since stepping into her role as Interim Asst. Director of Residence Life, she has stepped up in many ways to move our residence life program forward. From implementing and cultivating the residential curriculum, to improving student staff training and selection, Holly has been steadfast in her efforts to make our department even better than it was before. Holly simply works hard and asks for nothing in return - a true servant leader.”

Noelle Cheeks, Student Housing Services Coordinator (Administrative)

Noelle Cheeks, Student Housing Services Coordinator (Administrative)

“Since arriving at such a crucial time in July, Noelle Cheeks has worked hard to ensure each of our residential students are housed accurately and adequately in our residence halls, as the Assignments Coordinator. While housing assignments is no easy job, she has remained patient each month in her efforts to make students and their parents happy. On numerous occasions, Noelle has stayed late to ensure that rosters are up-to-date, accurate, and ready for on-going new assignments, existing requests, and room changes. With constant change and tough situations thrown at Noelle, she keeps her feet to the ground and continues working without complaints.”


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