Explore UAB

Supporting Students

By: Emily Martin

College can be overwhelming, especially when you feel like you are facing it alone. But you don’t have to do this semester on your own. There are so many awesome resources on campus along with people who want to support you. So, let’s hear about them! Because staying balanced is what we’re aiming for when managing classes, homework, and work-life while prioritizing your well-being.


VMASC (@uabvmasc):

The Vulcan Materials Academic Student Center is here to provide well-rounded academic support to students. This can take the form of tutoring, supplemental instruction, coaching, exploratory advising, and workshops that instruct students generalized skills like tips for test-taking, better communication, study strategies, and so much more. What’s great about VMASC is they are available to everyone on campus. Whether you want help for an hour, or the whole semester, VMASC can support you!

We Empower students to find their individual paths to success and realize their potential at UAB and beyond! - Dr. Jennifer Wycoff, Director of VMASC

The Writing Center (@uab_writing_center) :

The University Writing Center can help you with all types of writing, (personal or academic), in any stage of the writing process. A tutor will help you target the area you need support within your writing process. Their diverse staff of tutors can offer different writing styles and perspectives because they come from a range of majors. Writing can be intimidating, and that's why you shouldn’t be alone in the process! Through using their support, hopefully writing will become a more enjoyable process.

We’re really nice people! We’re not the place that will tear your writing apart, we are the place that will support you and your goals.” -Dr. Jaclyn Wells, Writing Center Director

Student in mask, with pencil in hand, observes teacher from her desk. Laptop is open.

Wellness Promotion (@wellnessuab):

Wellness Promotion focuses on preventing the neglect of self, mental health, and physical health while promoting self-care acts and healthy self-talk. The student group, Promoters of Wellness (also known as POW), empowers students through prevention education. The POWs are active on campus providing prevention-focused activities on topics that can interfere with students' abilities to be personally and academically successful. They do this through a variety of activities on campus like tabling, outreach, presentation, and workshops.

Sterne Library (@uablibraries) :

What can you expect to get out of the library besides a place to hang out and do homework? According to Victoria Dawkins, the Student Success Librarian, the library liaisons can help students with writing, research, citing, evaluating, finding a social club, and generally connecting students to any information they need. There are research toolkits, online tutorials, workshops, and events that help students both academically and personally. They also have the LibLab which allows students access to technologies such as cameras, VR, and 3D printing. They can even help with obtaining textbooks through the Affordable Instructional Materials (AIM) resource. Of course, you can always check out books, chapters, and articles through ILL, the Inter-Library Loan system.

Counseling Services (@uabscs and @uabmha):

The Student Counseling Center has spent intentional time cultivating resources that can help a broad range of students. Along with traditional counseling services, there are resources that students can use on their own. One of the greatest tools is the B-Well UAB app, designed by students for students, which houses all of UAB’s mental health resources in one place. Within the app you can find patient portal access, a daily habit tracker, mindfulness exercises, yoga and meditation videos, and activity calendars. Within the app you can access TAO, Therapy Assistance Online, where you can learn strategies in over 150 modules on topics like procrastination, stress management and more. Together All is another new resource; it is a 24/7 peer connection platform that allows students to reach out for and provide mental health support for one another.

When your life is balanced and you're taking care of yourself, you have more energy, you have more confidence, you're more productive, your relationships are better. Everything can benefit from taking time to take care of yourself” -Dr. Angela Stowe, Student Counseling Director.

Student Multicultural & Diversity Programs (@uabsmdp):

Student Multicultural & Diversity Programs provide a space to learn about yourself, your identity, and your community through the use of programs and education. They strive to empower students by affirming their experiences and identities. You can plug in with SMDP’s resources by attending one of their programs and asking them to train your organization or class. SMDP wants to challenge students to grow and upgrade to their best selves by learning about themselves, learning about others, and finding ways they can serve their community. Groups like BSAC, the Black Student Awareness Committee, SJAC, the Social Justice Advocacy Council, International Mentors, and Queer Peers are here to support you and help you find the right community to foster growth.