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Supporting Students

Student model holding up the Veterans Services ceremonial coin

UAB Veteran Services is thrilled to commemorate the academic success of UAB’s veterans and active service members with the Veteran Services Graduation Cord and Challenge Coin Ceremony on Thursday, Dec. 9 at 6:00 p.m. 


Graduates from spring 2020 through fall 2021 will gather in Hill Student Center Ballrooms C & D to celebrate commencement and receive academic cords and challenge coins. The red, white, and blue graduation cord is given to each graduate, while the challenge coin is specially designed for UAB veterans with a 3.4 grade point average or higher. 


Birmingham Mayor Randall Woodfin will open the program with remarks following the national anthem by Chief Nathaniel Rutledge. 


The event is invitation-only. If you are a veteran or active service member who plans to attend, please RSVP via email. For more information or to request disability accommodations, please contact veteranaffairs@uab.edu.