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    Your career is our top priority




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Complete the First Destination Survey today.

First Destination Survey


Schedule an Appointment

You can schedule an appointment to meet with a UAB Career center team member. Log into Handshake and select the "Career Center" tab. Then click the "Appointments" box to get started.


The UAB Career Center offers a virtual “walk-in/drop-in” service available to UAB students without an appointment. The virtual walk-in/drop-in hours are Monday through Thursday from 10:00 a.m. until 4 :00 p.m. on a first come, first served basis. Click the yellow box below to access the walk-in/drop-in service via Zoom.

Cancellation and No-Show Policy
for Scheduled Appointments

If you need to reschedule or cancel your appointment, please notify our office 24 hours in advance. This allows our staff to offer your appointment time to another student, who is in need of our services. Failure to cancel your appointment within 24 hours, more than once, will result in losing your appointment privileges for the semester; however, you may still utilize our drop-in services.

Meeting, interacting with, and learning from employers and other people in your industry is a key part of the job search process. This is easy to do as a UAB student because the office of Career & Professional Development frequently brings employers to campus in a variety of settings.

We recommend that you begin to attend employer events no later than junior year. Some opportunities on campus to watch out for are:

Employer Panels

Examples of past employer panels are The Marketing Industry for English Majors, Medical School Panel, and Meaningful Careers with a Psychology Degree. Sign-up for HireABlazer so that you don’t miss out on these opportunities.

Attend a career fair

The office of Career & Professional Development hosts large career fairs for students from all backgrounds and small, niche fairs that cater to a particular industry or field of study. Past examples are the annual All Majors Fair, the Liberal Arts/Social Sciences Fair, and the Healthcare Career Day to name just a few. Conduct an informational interview – find someone who works in the job you want and ask them for 30 minutes of their time to conduct an informational interview. This is where you ask the questions in order to learn about the profession. Subsequently, informational interviews also enable you to meet people who you may want to work for when you graduate. The sophomore year is the best time to conduct informational interviews.


UAB Career Center Calendar


View all Career Center calendar listings