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Cullen Clark

Director, MA in Sociology
Faculty Profile
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(205) 934-3322

Black male in glasses with his chin on one hand, seen through data being displayed on a clear board.

The world is awash in data but short on insight. Every day we create an estimated 2.5 quintillion bytes of data worldwide. The challenge is transforming this data into insights that can power decisions and empower people. And that is where our social data analytics course offerings come in. These courses help you develop the skills and knowledge to transform a tidal wave of data into a river of information. It is applied sociology for the digital age.

We have carefully crafted our social data analytics electives to build upon the sociological foundation offered by our core courses. Students interested in social data analytics can choose from the following electives:

  • SOC 637: Practicum in Innovation, Creativity and Applied Sociology
  • SOC 714: Survey Research Methodology
  • SOC 794: Special Topics Courses:
    • Foundations of Social Data Analytics (may substitute for SOC 713: Applied Sociological Research Methods)
    • Data Science: Tools and Techniques
    • Social Network Analysis
    • Text as Data

In addition, students interested in this area will have an opportunity to pursue capstone projects focusing upon social data analytics.


For more information, contact Dr. Scott Westenberger at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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Contact Us

Cullen Clark

Director, MA in Sociology
Faculty Profile
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
(205) 934-3322