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Meet Sam Cauffman, a visiting instructor in the School of Education and Human Sciences's Department of Human Studies. Cauffman teaches Kinesiology and is an alumnus of the program as well!

In 2016, Cauffman graduated from UAB with his master's in Kinesiology with a concentration in Exercise Physiology. He completed his bachelor's degree in Kinesiology and Health Promotion from the University of Wyoming in 2015.

When he's not in class or tending to the equipment in one of our kinesiology laboratories, you can find Cauffman enjoying the great outdoors, exploring Alabama, or traveling to his home state of Wyoming.

Want to learn about Sam Cauffman and his journey to UAB? Check out our exclusive interview with him below.

SOE: Do you have a favorite quote? If so, what is it, and why?

SC: I don't do favorites, but I like this quote.

"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken." - Oscar Wilde.

I think it's crucial that people find happiness from being themselves and not something others want them to be. Ultimately, this quote talks about being your authentic self because that is how you will change the world.

SOE: What advice do you have for students?

SC: Do everything you can to ensure you are passionate about your career path and doing all you can to succeed on that path. If you aren't passionate about what you are doing, it can be tough to try your absolute best, especially when life gets complicated.

SOE: Favorite part of your job?

SC: My favorite part of my job is getting to know and working with so many students. I want to help my students through their educational journey and make a difference in their lives. Working with students makes me feel like what I do matters.

SOE: What do you love most about Kinesiology?

SC: I love how intertwined Kinesiology is in our everyday lives. It isn't just exercise; it's health, movement, and so much more. I also love how the study of kinesiology makes everything else about the human body make sense.

SOE: Fun fact about yourself

SC: I was so indecisive throughout the pursuit of my undergraduate degree that I graduated with over 160 credits.


To learn more about Sam Cauffman, click here.