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Giving Page

All of us at the School of Education and Human Sciences are grateful for your enthusiastic support of our fall Annual Giving efforts. Your generous and thoughtful philanthropy is creating wonderful opportunities for our students, faculty, research, and learning environment.

Your philanthropic commitments to UAB School of Education and Human Sciences help foster excellence. Gifts of any size are important, and can help fund student scholarships, research opportunities, faculty development, or program support.

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Thank You for Supporting the School of Education and Human Sciences!

Endowment Giving

Endowment funds provide crucial support for students, faculty, and programs in perpetuity. They may be established with a minimum commitment of $25,000, generally payable over five years or through an estate gift or life-income arrangement. Named recognition opportunities are also available, allowing you and/or a loved one to leave a lasting legacy of support.

Endowed gifts are intended to permanently support students, faculty, and/or programs as designated by the donor. The power of a permanent endowment comes from the long-term growth of assets, invested and managed by the University of Alabama at Birmingham, and the income from the gifts is directed toward a purpose selected by the donor.

Contact UAB Advancement at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or (205) 975-6513 for more information.

Legacy Giving

Planned gifts are charitable gifts that are structured to integrate your charitable, family, and financial goals. Planned gifts can make it possible for you to meet the dual goals of providing for the future of the School of Education and Human Sciences while at the same time assisting you in meeting personal and family financial goals.

To learn more about UAB Planned Giving, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call (205) 996-7533.

Dr. Julia S. Austin Speaking at the 2020 ESL Alumni Event

The Dr. Julia Austin Endowed Scholarship

Thanks in large part to Dr. Julia Austin’s leadership, teacher preparation in English as a Second Language (ESL) has flourished at UAB since the first ESL methods course was offered in 1999. UAB has made a difference in the teaching of ESL throughout the state and beyond. Alumni and students of UAB’s ESL teacher education program currently teach in 64% of the counties in Alabama – from Mobile in the southwest to Huntsville in the northeast. Other UAB students and alumni who specialize in adult learners teach ESL in a variety of post-secondary programs ranging from rural community outreach to post-doctoral academic writing. Our alumni have also taught in 32 states and 41 countries.

In the two decades since the inception of UAB’s ESL teacher education program, 746 students have earned ESL teacher certification and/or a graduate degree for teaching ESL. These alumni have helped UAB meet the demand for skilled ESL teachers in linguistically diverse communities across Alabama and around the world. This scholarship will honor Dr. Julia Austin and her decades of commitment to ESL, and it will assist future graduate students at UAB who would like to teach ESL in Alabama and in other states and countries. To make this scholarship a reality, we need your support. The ESL teacher education program celebrated its 20th anniversary on April 30, 2019. This big event culminated by launching the Dr. Julia Austin Endowed Scholarship. Please make your gift today to support future ESL teachers. Help us celebrate Dr. Julia Austin’s legacy in UAB’s ESL teacher education program.