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Apply for ICAR Membership

 If you are interested in becoming a member of ICAR, please complete the membership application form below.

ICAR Membership ApplicationOpens an external link.

General Membership Requirements

Membership is free. The main requirements for membership in ICAR is an interest in Aging Research. For investigators we require a demonstrated track record in research and an expressed interest in the field of aging research. For community members, we encourage the participation for those interested in learning more about aging research as well as those interested in supporting and/ or participate in our education and outreach initiatives.

Other Requirements

We will ask our Members to provide updated information for our ICAR database periodically. This is particularly important for those actively involved in research. In addition to their own research activities, researcher members may be invited to participate on at least one internal grant review per year at the request of ICAR Leadership.

Faculty Appointments

ICAR membership is considered a secondary appointment for UAB faculty. Center rank or title will be assigned on the basis of the faculty members’ current primary appointment and academic title as follows:

ICAR Rank/Title Equivalent Primary Appointment
Senior Scientist Professsor
Scientist Associate Professsor
Associate Scientist Assistant Professor and Adjunct Faculty

Associate Membership Appointments

For non-faculty and for community/industry or other institutional affiliates, ICAR has established an associate member category. Associate members are welcomed on the basis of interest, participation and collaboration in aging research activities and programs at UAB.