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When you report a phishing email to UAB IT, you spark a process that can help protect everyone on campus.

On March 24, UAB IT will release a new phishing button, that works similarly to previous report phishing buttons. The location of the button varies depending on your device. Check out these knowledge articles to determine how to use the button, or view this video to learn how to use it.

Reporting a phish helps UAB IT more quickly respond to these malicious emails — and protect your accounts, research and data. Once we validate that a phishing email has infiltrated UAB inboxes, UAB IT has tools to help search and destroy that email across all campus inboxes within four minutes, preventing others from clicking malicious links.

Because UAB IT is using the phishing button that is native to Outlook as part of a new license that encompasses a variety of other security tools, UAB will save $50,000 annually by removing the old phish reporting mechanism.

You can also report a phish by forwarding it to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..