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The main objective of this web page is to post "how to" information. Members of the immunology community are encouraged to submit to the webmaster material for posting.

RSS Feeds

Why should I care about RSS?
Most commonly translated as "Rich Site Summary" or "Really Simple Syndication", RSS is a family of Web formats used to publish frequently updated works in a standardized format. Creating an rss feed in PubMed using key words in your particular area of research will bring the latest publications in that area to your computer, stored in "Favorites" ("Bookmarks") of your browser.

How do I create an rss feed? Try the list of steps below:

  • Go to PubMed at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/
  • Select "Limits" for your search and click on "go" to run it
  • Above the list of items,find a button labeled "Send to" and click on it
  • Select "rss feed"
  • In the next window, select the number of papers you wish to have in your rss feed and click on "Create Feed"
  • In the next window, click on the icon labeled "xml" and the list of papers resulting from your search opens.
  • If you find the selection useful, click on "Subscribe to this feed" which is in the frame at the top of the list of papers
  • When you subscribe to a feed, it is added to the Common Feed List. Updated information from the feed is automatically downloaded to your computer and can be viewed in Internet Explorer and other browsers
  • To check if the process worked, go to the Bookmarks ("Favorites") in your browser and click on "Feeds". This is where you can visit the list in the future to see papers published in your area of interest