Explore UAB

Clinical Training

UAB has a designated program that offers a focused clinical experience for physicians, RNs, NPs, PAs and chaplains working in palliative care who want to gain insight into alternative models or venues of care, delivery systems, or therapies.  

Licensed physicians, RNs, NPs, PAs and chaplains who have a foundational knowledge about hospice and palliative medicine are eligible for this clinical experience. This program is not a substitute for a formal fellowship training program for physicians; however, the Clinical Training Academy offers a one week observership with a clinical team, under the supervision of physician, NP or chaplain faculty at the training site;  faculty mentorship in the form of quarterly mentor calls for one year; and a peer network for ongoing discussion.

Application forms for Physician (MD), Nurse/Nurse Practitioner (RN/NP), Physician Assistant and Chaplain

To learn more about this program please contact:

Jared BallJared Ball, MPH
Email:  jaredball@uabmc.edu
Phone: 205.934.9625