Please read the given instructions and then apply below
1. Complete the online application.
In addition to completing the required fields, you will need to have the following information ready to upload since it is not possible to save your application and come back to complete it at a later time. You will receive a confirmation email once the application is submitted.
- Have your statement of Academic Interest and Career Goals ready to upload. Describe your previous research experience (if any), scientific areas of interest, hobbies, and plans for post-baccalaureate research. Two pages maximum.
- Have your resume ready to upload.
- References/letters of recommendation. You will need contact information for two letters of recommendation.
2. Transcript
To maintain your privacy, transcripts should NOT be uploaded. Please mail or email your transcript(s) to the SIBS address listed below. We accept official or unofficial transcripts, which should include Fall 2025 grades. You should not wait for it to be available before you submit your application - the transcript can be sent in any time before the February 28th deadline. If you are chosen to be a SIBS student, you will be asked to submit an official transcript at that time.
3. Letters of Recommendation.
Two confidential letters of recommendation are required on letterhead. You will be asked to input contact information (name, institution/department, and email address) for your two references into the online application. They will then receive an email from our office requesting a recommendation letter for you.
It is your responsibility to check with them to make sure they have received the email and sent us your letter. If they think they have not received the email, have them check their spam box.
Guidelines for letters of recommendation are available in Frequently Asked Questions. Letters of Recommendation must be received no later than March 6, 2025.
2025 Applications are OPEN!
If you have any questions or you would like to speak with someone, please contact the Summer In Biomedical Sciences Program Office.
Telephone: 205.996.0811
SIBS Mailing Address:
Physician Scientist Development Office
SIBS, PARAdiGM, and Blazer BRAIN Programs
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Suite 160 UAB 912 Building #2
912 18th Street South
Birmingham, AL 35294-2182