Explore UAB

The mission of the UAB Superfund Research and Training Program( UAB-SRP) is to examine the role of environmentally toxic chemicals on human biology and health, to evaluate environmental remediation methods and early detection of toxic chemicals. Our core programs include a strong community engagement and access to state of the art and innovative technical advances in environmental research.

UAB-SRP invites applications for pilot studies to support new research initiatives in any area related to the center’s four intersecting core initiatives:
(1) Biological and translational research in environmentally induced pathology and disease
(2) Community based research in environmental disease
(3) Environmental engineering and public health
(4) Environmental Remediation

UAB-SRP will provide funding for internal grant applications proposing research projects that support UAB-SRP’s goal of prioritizing underserved and marginalized communities experiencing environmental health inequities and injustices.

Funding levels: Grants of up to 20 thousand dollars will be considered for funding, however more funds may be available for exceptionally innovative proposals. 

Eligibility criteria: UAB junior faculty( Instructor/Asst .Prof.) and postdoctoral fellows are eligible. Preference will be given to proposals that are interdisciplinary and/or that seek to integrate early-stage faculty with other UAB researchers or community partners/stakeholders.

Proposal Requirements:
Face Page: including Project Title Names of Principal Investigator(s), mentor(s), and community partner(s) if applicable (not counted as part of the two pages of the research plan)
Research Plan: (limited to 2 pages, 12 point font, single-spaced) including Aims: Outline the specific aims and/or hypothesis of what the proposed study aims to accomplish. Research Design: Briefly discuss preliminary data (if any), background of the project, and methods. Significance and Innovation: Briefly discuss the significance of the proposed project in the context of Environmental research. Describe the innovative nature of the proposal and how the proposed research is aligned with and support the mission of the UAB SRP.
Budget Synopsis: Include a short paragraph on what grant funding would be used for. (not counted as part of the two pages of the research plan)
References: (not counted as part of the two pages of the research plan)
Biosketches: (NIH or NSF) or abbreviated CV (up to 5 pages) for all investigators

Submit your application via email to Veena Antony at vantony@uabmc.edu.