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DDr. Robert Russellivision of Pediatric Surgery Associate Professor Robert Russell, M.D., MPH, has joined the editorial board of the Journal of Surgical Research: Clinical and Laboratory Investigation (JSR).

With an impact factor of 2.192, the JSR publishes original articles concerned with clinical and laboratory investigations relevant to surgical practice and teaching.

Journal leadership noted that editorial board membership was extended to Russell based on his previous exemplary service as an invited, ad hoc reviewer. As a board member, he will serve a three-year term with several key responsibilities.

Russell will provide thorough and constructive manuscript reviews as one of the key responsibilities of JSR Editorial Board members. He will also act as an advocate for the journal by considering submission of his own scientific manuscripts and encouraging his colleagues to submit them to JSR as well.

“I am looking forward to supporting the mission and vision of the JSR to be a platform of scientific exchange related to surgical practice, teaching, and management,” said Russell. “It is an honor to represent the UAB Department of Surgery in this national position.”