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UAB General Surgery Resident Connie Shao, M.D., recently discussed the intentional integration of telemedicine to ensure equitable treatment for all patients in the latest edition of Health Tech Magazine.Dr. Connie Shao

Shao notes the advent of COVID-19 transformed the way that many clinics and hospitals practice medicine through the utilization of telemedicine. Through her research, she notes that older patients and patients with fewer resources can utilize the resource to remove barriers like access to transportation and the ability to travel to a physician.

Telemedicine, however, comes with its own challenges in implementation. "Our study found that lower satisfaction with outpatient visits was associated with conversion from video to phone visits," says Shao.

To ensure ease of use, Shao recommends that telemedicine platforms not require an app and notes that patients should receive support from technical staff as they acclimate to the patient software.

Shao cites UAB's Cancer Awareness Network, which directly works with patients 55 or older to establish their portal access, as an example of effective telemedicine support.

Read the full article here.