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Drs. Callaway WongUAB Gastroenterology Assistant Professor James Callaway, M.D., and Division of Gastrointestinal Surgery Associate Professor Kristen Wong, M.D., joined UAB MedCast to discuss gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

Gastroesophageal reflux affects almost all individuals at some point in their lives with heartburn symptoms. Common symptoms of GERD include heartburn and regurgitation.

Dr. Callaway says reflux disease is common but left untreated can lead to esophageal damage and even cancer.

A GERD diagnosis is formed primarily through the patient's clinical history or the use of medications as an empirical trial to see if symptoms respond. Gastroenterologists may use endoscopy to look for esophageal acid damage or implication pH testing.

Dietary changes and weight control are recommended for patients with minimal acid reflux symptoms, while proton pump inhibitors may benefit those with recurring symptoms. 

Dr. Wong discusses surgical treatments and devices for acid reflux in patients who have maximized medical therapy.

One such method of treatment is fundoplication, which is a surgical procedure to treat acid reflux, that is associated with over a 90% success rate.

Wong says the LINX device is an option for patients who experience reflux without common contraindications like weak esophageal peristalsis or a hiatal hernia.

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