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What We Do

Attendee 2014 MERIT
The primary goal of the Mentored Experiences in Research, Instruction, and Teaching Program (MERIT) is to provide Postdoctoral Scholars with outstanding research and teaching experiences while improving the recruitment of underrepresented groups into the field of biomedical research.
4 years of concurrent research training and teaching instruction
the research component incorporates labora­tory-based instruction and professional skills development
the teaching component includes instruction in teaching pedagogy, course development, mentorship training and classroom teaching experiences

Who We Are

The IRACDA Mentored Experiences in Research, Instruction, and Teaching (MERIT) Program is an institutional Research and Academic Career Development Program funded by NIH/NIGMS 2009.  It is facilitated through a partnership of the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB), Lawson State Comm. College, Oakwood University, and University of Montevallo.

MERIT Scholars and Mentors

The MERIT Program is comprised of enthusiastic and dedicated Scholars, Alumni, and Mentors.  Currently, the IRACDA-MERIT Program has:
new and active Scholars from UAB and other universities around the country
alumni now working in tenure-track faculty and industry positions across the south and in the northeastern US
research Mentors from diverse clinical and basic science departments at UAB
teaching Mentors in the Biological Sciences and Chemistry at Lawson State, Oakwood and Montevallo