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Phone: (205) 934-6086
E-mail: jmwyss@uab.edu

Research/Clinical Interest Description: The current studies in our laboratory center in two major research areas. The first focus is on neuronal plasticity and grows out of our studies that demonstrate that a specific group of pyramidal neurons in the rat retrosplenial cortex display a dramatic alteration in their structure as the animal ages. These neurons show considerable plasticity in these rats, in that their apical denrites diminish to about 1/3 of its normal length, while basal dendrites extend to about 4-5 times their adult length. Concurrent with these changes in structure, we have demonstrated that cellular, molecular and behavioral changes occur, including a significant decrease in spatially learning. We are also investigating the role that a newly discovered growth and differentiation factor (neuregulin) and its receptors (erbB 2-4) play in neuronal plasticity and the role of clacium homeostasis int he pathogenesis of Alzheimer disease. The second focus of our research involves the role of the central nervous system in the pathogenesis of hypertension. In these studies we are testing the mechanisms by which a decrease in norepinephrine release in the anterior hypothalamic nucleus leads to of salt-sensitive hypertension. We have recently demonstrated that in addition to the selective changes in the hypothalamus, high salt diets also alter the ability of arteries to vasodialate, and that this is due at least in part to an alteration in the NO and superoxide signaling cascades. These studies have also demonstrated that plant polyphenols and estrogen protect against hypertension and underlying neurological dysfunction in rats. We are currently defining the mechanism(s) underlying these effects.