Displaying items by tag: department of biology

The Ernest F. Hollings Undergraduate Scholarship provides sophomore students with hands-on, practical experience in NOAA-related science, research, technology, policy, management and education activities.
The Department of Biology and the Alabama Audubon will host Harvard ornithologist Scott Edwards, Ph.D., for a seminar titled “Bicycling, Birding and #BLM Across America in a Summer of Chaos.” 
The Alabama Academy of Science has announced Samiksha Raut, Ph.D., as the inaugural recipient of the Adriel D. Johnson, Sr. Mentoring Award.
Hosted by the UAB Department of Biology, Darwin Day 2023 will be an opportunity to explore current research and will feature an in-depth lecture that dives into the compelling self-destructive nature of human behavior.
SRAI’s Future of the Field program aims to highlight the up-and-comers of research administration who demonstrate exemplary, innovative leadership among their peers and institutions that advance the field.
“Methuselah’s Zoo” explores how knowledge of animal species can benefit human lives in terms of fitness and longevity.
Researchers from UAB and other institutions are seeking to better understand the aging differences between males and females.
Supporting on-campus housing for Birmingham Promise scholars would enhance the well-rounded collegiate experience students aim to receive while at UAB.
Samiksha Raut, Ph.D., has been selected as the recipient of the award for Outstanding Faculty Contributions to Service-Learning in Higher Education in research.
Researchers in UAB’s Departments of Physics and Biology have been awarded distinguished research grants by the National Science Foundation.
The tenth annual Darwin Day lecture will delve into the science behind extreme weapons seen in the animal world, given by an acclaimed expert in animal weaponry.
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