Displaying items by tag: department of psychology
A doctoral student has won two awards that will help him continue his work in the UAB Youth Safety Lab.
Frame your behavior changes for the New Year so they become a habit, instead of forgotten until next year.
UAB study released today reports that fifth-graders with ADHD are nearly twice as likely to sustain injuries requiring medical attention.
The American Psychological Association has awarded fellow status to Gitendra Uswatte, Ph.D., in the UAB College of Arts and Sciences.
Adolescents who struggle to stay on task, are inflexible and have a negative mood are more at-risk for peer-influence on antisocial behavior.
One of three people listening to music were hit by a car in a simulated test of street-crossing distractions.
Do the eyes have it? UAB’s Discussion Book Dialogues series begins Sept. 15 with a lecture on emotion recognition in autism.
Teruko Bredemann, a recent graduate student in the UAB Department of Psychology, has received an American College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ACNP) Travel Award for 2011.
Researchers at UAB are using Constraint Induced Therapy, a rehab technique first developed for stroke, in a new way — as a therapy for patients with aphasia.
College students recognize that driving while using mobile apps is unsafe, yet a new survey shows nearly 4 in 10 still surf the Web behind the wheel.
Going online can be fun and educational for kids, but there also are potentially dangerous pitfalls that abound with summertime freedom.