Displaying items by tag: division of infectious diseases

UAB’s Jessica Merlin is recognized as an inspirational leader for her work managing chronic pain in patients with HIV.
Hospitals remain alert and ready after a confirmed U.S. hospital-identified case of imported Ebola associated with the ongoing West African outbreak makes news in Dallas.
For people living with HIV/AIDS, coming to regular medical visits is critical to keeping viral load suppressed.
Though kids often stay on track with receiving vaccines due to school requirements, with no system in place, adult rates remain low, according to one UAB expert.
Michael Saag, M.D., helped transform the deadliest virus in human history into a manageable chronic disease, and he is now receiving a top honor.
UAB’s Michael Saag, M.D., served as co-chair of a panel of 27 liver and infectious diseases experts to develop Hepatitis C guidance for clinicians that will live online.
UAB researchers say that antibiotics continue to be inappropriately used in emergency rooms despite worries over antibiotic resistance.

Because most years see low incidence rates of West Nile, vaccine research is challenging; UAB experts say reach for the DEET.

Pappas will be the inaugural holder of an endowed professorship in infectious diseases.

There’s ticks in them-there woods, and that means the possibility of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, as one UAB patient recently discovered.

A look at the part UAB researchers and physicians have played in combating the deadly disease, and what is to come.

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