Displaying items by tag: human resources

By focusing on key areas of health, one can enhance their quality of life and enjoy a vibrant, active life well into their golden years.

The new state-of-the-art facility offers accessible, on-campus early childhood education and child care for UAB employees at discounted prices.

Mullins has been CFO and associate vice president of Financial Affairs since 2016.
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The Great Colleges to Work For® program, which recognizes colleges that have been successful in creating great workplaces, is one of the largest workplace-recognition programs in the country.
UAB’s Employee Assistance and Counseling Center is home to 14 clinical team members, a variety of counseling options, and programming such as support groups, workshops and seminars, yoga classes, suicide prevention training courses, and more.
Blazers Against Hunger is UAB’s one-day giving event to fight food insecurity on campus and help employees in need with funds directly supporting Blazer Kitchen and its mission.
UAB and UAB Medicine are offering options to ease the burden of working parents who have children learning virtually.
Throughout May, the UAB Employee Assistance & Counseling Center is offering online tools and information to improve mental health and increase resiliency, and ways to support friends, family and co-workers who may be struggling.
The Innovations in Wellness Conference features leaders in the health and wellness field speaking on a range of topics that significantly impact culture today.
Celebrate lung health and tobacco-free living and enjoy a free cup of coffee from the Dunkin’ Donuts Coffee Bar from 7-9 a.m. Nov. 15 at The Kirklin Clinic corner at 20th Street.
UAB is partnering with Project SEARCH to provide high school students who have developmental disabilities with internship opportunities to help guide them on career selection.
UAB received the Gold Fit-Friendly Worksite and Worksite Innovation Award recognition.
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Whether it is losing weight or quitting smoking, UAB’s employee wellness director says it can be done with the will to do so.
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Farley will direct campuswide student support services and lead the renovation and expansion of the Hill University Center