Displaying items by tag: lister hill library
The 3,000-square-foot Dennis G. Pappas Historical Collections Gallery will house rotating exhibitions featuring the UAB Libraries’ historical collections.
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UAB Libraries will be hosting a workshop to teach students how to create Augmented Reality Valentine’s Day cards.
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Visit the new exhibit at UAB’s Alabama Museum of the Health Sciences, focused on themes of women’s health throughout history.
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Join UAB’s Institute for Human Rights for a Zoom Live discussion on mass incarceration policy in Alabama.
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Enhanced technologies at UAB’s Lister Hill Library allow education and research to be conducted in a virtual space by students, faculty and staff.
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Curated by art history students, the exhibition focuses on three epidemics, along with a lecture by Michael Saag, M.D.
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Works of art created by children with visual impairments, blindness and deaf blindness are on exhibition at The Edge of Chaos at UAB, and some works are available for purchase.
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Works of art created by children who are visually impaired are on exhibition at UAB’s Edge of Chaos through Oct. 15, and some works are available for purchase.
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UAB Libraries’ strategic plan priorities include initiatives to grow, adapt, innovate and become a model 21st century leader in providing resources and services for students, faculty and patients.
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UAB will celebrate Community Week from Jan. 26-31, with events ranging from a panel discussion on diversity to the 14th annual International Bazaar.
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From the leadership level to the volunteer effort, UAB is making a difference within the Bama Covered initiative.
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Recurring themes emerge throughout Florence Nightingale letters, including health and sanitation reform, collaborative partnerships, advocacy for public health.
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UAB employees using CommuteSmart reduced a total of 1,391,395 vehicle miles, equal to fuel savings of $195,208.
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Plutchak named Fellow of the Medical Library Association and will be recognized at their annual meeting May 6.
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The show will be on display through May 17.
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The first Darwin Day Celebration of Science will feature a speaker and poster presentations.
Four winners in the first Community Health Innovation Awards will share $50,000 to fund implementation of their projects.
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