Displaying items by tag: Education

Neonatal Scholars Interest Group to support collaboration, research and teaching

Martha Dawson, faculty and president of NBNA, participates on the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine Roundtable

Alumna Amanda White lives on through program support fund for those choosing a career in organ transplant and/or cardiac care

Sigrid Ladores selected President-Elect of the inaugural chapter of Philippine Nurses Association of Alabama

Students nominated Aroke for American Association of Nurse Anesthetists

Three PhD students receive scholarships from Alabama Nurses Foundation

Draws inspiration from her faculty, students and passion for teaching.

Professor Allison Shorten recognized for excellence in learning in a team environment

Four alumni, one of whom is a retired faculty member, bring the number of School AANP Fellows to 42

Ayda Nambayan stays active in healthcare community in the Philippines

Maximum reaffirmation extends CCNE accreditation through June 2030

Income, working conditions and health disparities contribute to disproportionate rates of infection, death in minority populations

Farley is an infectious disease trained nurse epidemiologist and nurse practitioner

Assistant Professor Rebecca Edwards continuing dissertation research with American

Sister Linda Hill has cared for more than 20 COVID positive patients

School sharing resources, collaborating with international partners to provide faculty expertise, course content and teaching tools

Faculty harness UAB Medicine COVID-19 clinical knowledge to provide undergraduates best, latest education

DNP alumnus Darrell Owens discusses role, importance of palliative care during pandemic

Faculty innovate skills checkoffs, simulations with household items

BSN graduate Alexis Blackmon responds to the call for more help in one of the hardest hit cities

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