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Based on survey feedback received by the Office of the IRB, revisions are in process for the IRB ePortfolio, Continuing Review eForm, Revision/Amendment eForm, SIRB Site Addition Amendment eForm, and Personnel eForm. Changes are projected to be completed before the end of March.

Highlights of form revisions  include:

  • Enhanced formatting capabilities on several free text questions in the ePortfolio
  • Revised instructions for submitting amendments within the ePortfolio
  • Addition of an inclusion/exclusion criteria question in the ePortfolio
  • Clarification of several questions across all revised forms

Please be aware if you initiated your project prior to these changes being made but have not yet submitted it to the IRB, the form changes will populate when you re-open the form for further revisions.

If a submission was initiated prior to the implementation of these changes but has not yet been submitted to the IRB, it is important to note that the new changes will populate on the form when it is re-opened for further revisions.

If your submission received a pre-review prior to the changes being made but the response has not been submitted, the changes will populate when you uncheck “Complete” to make the requested changes. Please review the entire form for unanswered questions before submitting your revisions.

The OIRB appreciates your continued feedback and patience as the submission process is refined. Please use the following survey link to provide smart form feedback and suggestions for improvement: https://uab.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0Gm1ls7pf7bIqfX