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Simulation News

Basic IP SimOn September 15 & 16, the School of Medicine partnered with OIPS to hold a simulation-based learning experience for second-year medical students. The medical students were completing the Neuro Module in their course work which was the foundation for the scenario design. For this simulation experience, the learners participated in a scenario progression, a two-part presentation of a patient experiencing the worst headache of their life. The learners were able to complete a history and assessment and order lab tests and imaging in the first half followed by clinical management of the patient in the second part of the scenario. The scenario was coupled with the TeamSTEPPS® principle, cross-monitoring. The TeamSTEPPS® principle was introduced to the learners in the video prebrief, and the learners were then able to practice cross-monitoring during the simulation. The debriefing phase highlighted the discussion of cross-monitoring application to the scenario and the clinical management of the presenting patient.

Simulation Teaching Associates (STAs), Fourth Year Medical Students, assisted in the simulation and took on the role of the patient voice or the nurse. The course director, Victor Sung, and the course faculty took on the role of the consultant during the simulation and the role of content expert during the debriefing. "This is a great experience for our students. A former student told me they saw this patient in the ER and because of this scenario, they knew what to do. They believe the patient’s life was saved," - Dr. Victor Sung. Simulation saves lives. Experiential learning transfers knowledge gained from the simulation setting to the clinical setting. We would like to express our gratitude to Todd Peterson, Victor Sung, and the OIPS Operations Team for making this simulation event a success.