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Simulation News

The content for the course draws from the disciplines of aviation, healthcare, psychology, experiential learning, and organizational behavior. Participants explore simulation-based teaching methods applicable across the healthcare education spectrum, including undergraduate and graduate medical, nursing and allied health domains. Participants in the June course came from the schools of nursing, health professions, medicine, and dentistry. Health system providers from nursing, critical care, pediatrics, anesthesiology, care transitions, informatics, professional development, family medicine, neurology, oral and maxillofacial surgery, gynecology, and internal medicine also attended the course. This cohorts participants included Karen Bolling-Walker, RN, Care Transitions; Brianna Bramlett, RN, Perioperative Services; Christina Cochran, MD, Pediatric EM; Joe Desautels, MD, OB/GYN; Carlos Estrada, MD, Internal Medicine; Sue Feldman, RN, Informatics; Tosi Gilford, MD, PA Program Faculty; Connie Hogewood, RN, School of Nursing Faculty; Jose Humanez, MD, Anesthesiology; Anand Iyer, MD, Pulmonary/Critical Care; Eileen Meyer, APP, NP; Wolfgang Muhlhofer, MD, Neurology; Maria Oquendao, MD, Family Medicine; Katie Powell, DMD, MD OMFS; Charlie Prince, Simulation Operations; Cheryl Robinson, APP, NP, School of Nursing; Caroline Stewart, RN, Psychiatry; Kendra Weaver APP, NP, School of Nursing Faculty; Beth Winningham, Radiology Systems Improvement; Neena Xavier, MD, PA Program Faculty. Course participants were selected by OIPS in collaboration with participant stakeholders in order to provide a broad representation of newly trained simulationists.