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Simulation News

268A0240To better serve our community and extended partners, UAB Clinical Simulation/OIPS loans out simulated equipment for training purposes within UAB. The equipment loan process allows trained faculty and staff to borrow equipment to train other future providers on how to properly use equipment in a simulated environment. Since the beginning of the COVID-19 era, safety measures have been put into place to decrease the spread of the virus. We are following social distancing guidelines, disinfecting equipment between users and providing a contactless transaction with electronic data retrieval. To see how simulated equipment can make a difference, check out how professors Gregory Kennedy, M.D., Ph.D. and Jack Rogers, Ph.D. used the 7-Sigma high fidelity airway trainer to conduct their research: Problem to product: Shielding providers from COVID-19 particles - The Reporter | UAB.

If you would like to check out equipment, please visit our website HERE and allow 24 hours for an UAB Clinical Simulation/OIPS team member to contact you regarding your request.

Two of our equipment loan super users, Kelly Wertz and Kelly Williamson, Clinical Department Specialist Ambulatory, explained how the equipment loan process is helping them during their training:

“My counterpart Kelly Williamson and I (Kelly Wertz) were given the opportunity to provide Nasopharyngeal Swabbing Simulation training to the new COVID Testing Site clinical hires. Having the opportunity to check out the Laerdal Airway Trainer afforded us an exceptional life-like model with which to demonstrate proper technique to new staff, allow new clinical staff the opportunity to simulate, practice with dominant and non-dominant hand, alleviate some performance anxiety related to performing a new skill, and develop some confidence prior to arrival to testing site for the first time.

The equipment was something that we did not have, so it has been an invaluable partnership. This also benefits our department fiscally as no new purchases were required for this equipment. The online reservation system was simple and easy to use. The calendar reminders that appeared on my outlook calendar with the times to pick up and return equipment was “above and beyond” expectations! Thank you for such great support!”