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Simulation News

Jacqueline Moss PhD, RN, FAAN | Professor and Assistant Dean for Clinical Simulation & Technology - UAB School of Nursing

UAB Mini ConThe use of technology in nursing education and practice is ubiquitous. Distance accessible courses, live web conferencing, gamification, computer testing, and simulation are tools we use to teach and engage our students every day. Selecting, using, and supporting these tools requires that faculty and administrators have technological knowledge and skills not previously required in nursing education.

This mini-conference will provide attendees with exposure to the latest information and best practices regarding development and implementation of a program of nursing and interprofessional simulation, evaluating students using simulation, providing support for high-quality distance accessible programs, strategies and curriculum requirements for nursing informatics education across the curriculum, and an example of gaming in undergraduate and graduate education. Conference faculty are nationally and internationally known for their work in distance education, nursing and interprofessional simulation, and nursing informatics. Please see the attached flyer for the conference agenda and list of conference faculty.

The mini-con is from 12-4 p.m. on the afternoon of March 3, 2016 and the cost is only $50 per person. Please see the attached flyer with an active web link to our registration site. We will have some time for networking and tours of our nursing competency simulation laboratories at the end of the day.  We had over 25,000 student visits to our competency labs, fielded 1,047 distance course sections, and had 450 undergraduate and graduate students involved in gamification for licensure and certification preparation last year. I hope this mini-con is the beginning of a larger effort that will include participation from your faculty in the future. My future aim is to create a regional community of nursing scholars that can share and collaborate on initiatives around the use of technology in nursing.