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Supporting Students

Disability Support Services wants the entire UAB community to know that accessibility is their top priority! SM disability support services

As we’ve all had to find new ways to effectively communicate with each other in these unprecedented times, video content has reigned supreme. From Zoom meetings, live streams, increased video content posts on social media and more – it’s important now than ever to be sure content is accessible to everyone.

The new Commitment to Captioning initiative will further support DSS’s mission of accessibility and inclusivity by equipping UAB students, faculty and staff with the information and resources necessary to properly caption content.

Jalan Cunningham with DSS says, “As the AssistiveTechnology Coordinator, I believe that it is imperative for audio and visual content to be captioned because it displays a universal access to communication. Having captioned content within a learning or social environment for individuals with disabilities, language barriers, and visual learners represents awareness and inclusiveness in these environments.”

The full initiative will launch at the start of the Fall semester. It will include a full webpage refresh, informational video content and a major social media takeover event.

Check out this link for more information on the Commitment to Captioning.