Student Assistance & Support
Student Assistance & Support serves our University and individual students by coordinating prevention, intervention, and support efforts across campus and community systems to assist students facing crises, life traumas, and other barriers that impede success.
Student Assistance & Support Case Managers
- Maintain contact and meet with students to address needs
- Foster self-advocacy in students to manage their academic, personal and fiscal responsibilities
- Intervene before a student reaches a crisis level
- Create coordinated care plans
- Provide referrals and support
- Monitor student needs and progress
- Arrange for appropriate medical or mental health care
- Monitor compliance with treatment plans and/or university behavioral expectations
- Advocate for students individually and systemically
- Evaluate threat and assess risk to self and/or the community

If you or someone you know is struggling with a problem – whether it is medical, emotional, financial or academic – our Case Managers are here to help you find the right resources, plan your next steps, and identify ways to be most successful at UAB.
To access this service contact Student Assistance & Support at 205-975-9509 to schedule your intake appointment or visit our office located in the Hill Student Center, Suite 303.