Title IX Sex Discrimination, Sexual Harassment, and Sexual Violence Policy
Policy Statement
The University of Alabama at Birmingham (“UAB” or “the University”) has (“the Policy”) pursuant to and in compliance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and its implementing regulations (collectively referred to as “Title IX”). UAB is committed to providing an environment that respects the dignity of its students, faculty, and staff, and is free from all forms of sex discrimination, sexual harassment, and sexual violence, which, among other things identified in Section V and Appendix 1 to this Policy, includes gender-based assault, harassment, exploitation, dating and domestic violence, and stalking, as well as discrimination based on sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy, and related retaliation (collectively referred to as “Prohibited Conduct”).
The University expects individuals who live, work, teach, study within, or visit our University community to contribute positively to the environment and refrain from behaviors that threaten the freedom or respect that every member of our community deserves. Individuals who violate this Policy will be subject to corrective action up to and including termination from employment or expulsion from the University. The University will respond promptly and effectively to Reports of Prohibited Conduct and will take appropriate action to prevent its occurrence, correct and address its effects, provide Supportive Measures, and, when warranted, issue discipline for violations of this Policy.
Procedures for Responding to Prohibited Conduct
The specific set of procedures used to respond to Reports and Formal Complaints of Prohibited Conduct is determined by the status of the Respondent’s relationship with the University, as well as the nature of the alleged Prohibited Conduct:
- These Procedures will be used to investigate and resolve all complaints of Sexual Harassment/Sexual Violence, as described within the definition of Prohibited Conduct in the Title IX Policy, brought against UAB students, faculty and staff members, affiliates, and non-affiliates (i.e., someone not associated with UAB), as appropriate.
- Sex Discrimination complaints (non-harassment) against student respondents will be addressed pursuant to the Procedures for the Resolution of Sexual Discrimination Complaints (non-harassment) against Students (“Student Procedures”).
- Sex Discrimination complaints (non-harassment) against faculty and staff respondents, as well as non-affiliates, will be addressed pursuant to the Procedures for the Resolution of Sex Discrimination Complaints (non-harassment) against Faculty, Staff, Affiliates, and Non-Affiliates (“Faculty and Staff Procedures”).
Consensual Relationship Policy
Policy Statement
It is the policy of the University of Alabama at Birmingham that employees (including faculty) may not engage in consensual romantic or sexual relationships when one party to the relationship is a supervisor who supervises, evaluates, or grades the other party.