Explore UAB

If a person is unable to evacuate the building without assistance, having a plan prior to any emergency is imperative.

If you have a plan and the individual is willing to assist, evacuate the building.

Call 911 from a UAB landline or 205-934-3535 from your cell phone if you need help in evacuating during an emergency.

Move near a stairwell or an area of refuge until help arrives.

Emergency? Dial 911

Campus Police: 205-934-3535

Emergency Status:

UAB Help Phones

Campus Emergency Management: safety@uab.edu

Health System Emergency Management:

B-Alert Registration

rave guardian logo 23x22Rave Guardian App:

apple logo clear bg 12x15 BIn App Store google play store logo clear bg 15x15In Google Play

Storm Ready University

Emergency? Dial 911

Campus Police: 205-934-3535

Emergency Status:

UAB Help Phones

Campus Emergency Management: safety@uab.edu

Health System Emergency Management:

B-Alert Registration

rave guardian logo 23x22Rave Guardian App:

apple logo clear bg 12x15 BIn App Store google play store logo clear bg 15x15In Google Play

Storm Ready University