Explore UAB

Report the outage to UAB Maintenance at 205-934-5353

Help building occupants move to safe locations.

Turn off or unplug sensitive electrical equipment.

Keep freezers and refrigerators closed during the outage.

Keep critical equipment plugged into emergency power outlets, if available.

Keep a flashlight with fresh batteries in the area.

Evacuate the building should there be a hazard as a result of the outage.

Emergency? Dial 911

Campus Police: 205-934-3535

Emergency Status:

UAB Help Phones

Campus Emergency Management: safety@uab.edu

Health System Emergency Management:

B-Alert Registration

rave guardian logo 23x22Rave Guardian App:

apple logo clear bg 12x15 BIn App Store google play store logo clear bg 15x15In Google Play

Storm Ready University

Emergency? Dial 911

Campus Police: 205-934-3535

Emergency Status:

UAB Help Phones

Campus Emergency Management: safety@uab.edu

Health System Emergency Management:

B-Alert Registration

rave guardian logo 23x22Rave Guardian App:

apple logo clear bg 12x15 BIn App Store google play store logo clear bg 15x15In Google Play

Storm Ready University