Explore UAB

Get indoors as quickly as possible.

Shelter in an interior room without windows.

Put as many walls between you and the outside as possible.

Turn off all fans, HVAC or other ventilation devices.

UAB B-alert and /emergency will provide information during emergencies.

Stay indoors until instructed to do otherwise by someone in authority.

UAB B-Alert and www.uab.edu/emergency will provide information during emergencies.

Emergency? Dial 911

Campus Police: 205-934-3535

Emergency Status:

UAB Help Phones

Campus Emergency Management: safety@uab.edu

Health System Emergency Management:

B-Alert Registration

rave guardian logo 23x22Rave Guardian App:

apple logo clear bg 12x15 BIn App Store google play store logo clear bg 15x15In Google Play

Storm Ready University

Emergency? Dial 911

Campus Police: 205-934-3535

Emergency Status:

UAB Help Phones

Campus Emergency Management: safety@uab.edu

Health System Emergency Management:

B-Alert Registration

rave guardian logo 23x22Rave Guardian App:

apple logo clear bg 12x15 BIn App Store google play store logo clear bg 15x15In Google Play

Storm Ready University