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The Leadership Education and Development (LEAD) Program is an opportunity for residents to pursue additional training to enrich and refine their expertise. Led by Vice Chair of Education Susan Black, M.D., this program includes competitive leadership and research tracks that take place concurrently with residency training. The program provides funds and protected time, as well as other support, to set LEAD Scholars on the path to becoming not just outstanding anesthesiologists but accomplished and innovative leaders in the evolving world of health care. 

Within the Leadership Track, LEAD Scholars may pursue additional degrees or certificates in a variety of topics. These include masters programs in health system administration, public health, and quality improvement. LEAD Scholars will complete their masters without extending their residency training. Other programs are offered such as an internal quality and patient safety curriculum leading to certification in medical quality (CMQ) and internal programs in TEE leading to certification. Participants receive protected time for immersion and study. 

Offerings can be individualized if requested. Applications for the LEAD Program are due in the CA-1 year. For more information, please contact Dr. Black at sblack@uabmc.edu.