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Morabito MV, Abbas AI, Hood JL, Kesterson RA, Jacobs MM, Kump DS, Hachey DL, Roth BL, Emeson RB. 2010. Mice with altered serotonin 2C receptor RNA editing display characteristics of Prader-Willi syndrome. Neurobiol Dis. 39(2):169-80. PMID: 20394819

O'Connor AK, Kesterson RA, Yoder BK. 2009. Generating conditional mutants to analyze ciliary functions: the use of Cre-lox technology to disrupt cilia in specific organs. Methods Cell Biol. 93:305-30. PMID: 20409823

Kesterson RA,
Berbari NF, Pasek RC, Yoder BK. 2009. Utilization of conditional alleles to study the role of the primary cilium in obesity. Methods Cell Biol. 94:163-79. PMID: 20362090

Cope MB, Li X, Jumbo-Lucioni P, DiCostanzo CA, Jamison WG, Kesterson RA, Allison DB, Nagy TR. 2009. Risperidone alters food intake, core body temperature, and locomotor activity in mice. Physiol Behav. 96(3):457-63. PMID: 19084548

Kumar KG, Trevaskis JL, Lam DD, Sutton GM, Koza RA, Chouljenko VN, Kousoulas KG, Rogers PM, Kesterson RA, Thearle M, Ferrante AW Jr, Mynatt RL, Burris TP, Dong JZ, Halem HA, Culler MD, Heisler LK, Stephens JM, Butler AA. 2008. Identification of adropin as a secreted factor linking dietary macronutrient intake with energy homeostasis and lipid metabolism. Cell Metab. 8(6):468-81. PMID: 19041763

Brooks WS, Helton ES, Banerjee S, Venable M, Johnson L, Schoeb TR, Kesterson RA, Crawford DF. 2008. G2E3 is a dual function ubiquitin ligase required for early embryonic development. J Biol Chem. 283(32):22304-15. PMID: 18511420

Zinn KR, Chaudhuri TR, Szafran AA, O'Quinn D, Weaver C, Dugger K, Lamar D, Kesterson RA, Wang X, Frank SJ. 2008. Noninvasive bioluminescence imaging in small animals. ILAR J. 49(1):103-15. PMID: 18172337

Chen M, Aprahamian CJ, Kesterson RA, Harmon CM, Yang Y. 2007. Molecular identification of the human melanocortin-2 receptor responsible for ligand binding and signaling. Biochemistry. 46(40):11389-97. PMID: 17877367

Davenport JR, Watts AJ, Roper VC, Croyle MJ, van Groen T, Wyss JM, Nagy TR, Kesterson RA, Yoder BK. 2007. Disruption of intraflagellar transport in adult mice leads to obesity and slow-onset cystic kidney disease. Curr Biol. 17(18):1586-94. PMID: 17825558

Yang Y, Chen M, Kesterson RA Jr, Harmon CM. 2007. Structural insights into the role of the ACTH receptor cysteine residues on receptor function. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 293(3):R1120-6. PMID: 17596328

Singh M, Kesterson RA, Jacobs MM, Joers JM, Gore JC, Emeson RB. 2007. Hyperphagia-mediated obesity in transgenic mice misexpressing the RNA-editing enzyme ADAR2. J Biol Chem. ;282(31):22448-59. PMID: 17567573